Chapter 8

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After that there isn't much to say other than there was not a single minute of a single day when I didn't think about him. About how great his smile was, about how smart and funny he was...and those eyes...

And at a random day in college, looking at the information board and thinking about his eyes he found me...

- Don't look now but there's like a reaaaally good looking guy standing right beside you

-Where? Is he gone?

-Ha-ha. Very funny. Right here! You can't even see what's right in front of you

-Oh I see...I just can't see a really hot guy

-Maybe you need glasses

-Maybe...what's up rocker dude? Haven't seen you in a while.

- whole days...

-In college time that's a lot of time

-True...End of semester...

- Oh yeah...finally. One more to go.

-Happy to go?

-Hell yeah.

- Oh domination plan must be put into motion.


-So are you done already? Yep. Just came in today to check my last grades. Making sure I'm all set for final project so I can be on my way to Litchfield. – Ok that was half true. I could have checked my grades on line, but I just didn't want to leave without seeing him one more time.- What about you?

-Done...Just came to get my ticket for the last party of the semester..You are coming right?



-No way. I'll be home by then – Stupid boring home.

-Oh come can wait one more day. Litchfield can wait.

-But if I leave today I'll beat traffic and can avoid turning a 2 hours trip into a 6 hours one.

-It's the last party of the semester...And you are the ultimate party girl

-I prefer the term drunk instead of party girl – Paris Hilton was a party girl. And Charles Bukowski was a drunk. I like to see myself as more of a Bukowski then a Hilton.

-Come on, you can't say no to a college party.

-Yes I can. You do realize that Litchfield is a college town right?


-So I have attended more college parties before I got into college then most people will in their whole life.- Started when I was 13 actually.

- And you do realize that the last party of next semester will be your graduation right?



-You are very annoying. I will think about it, but probably not. – Of course I was staying. Who was I trying to fool.

-Fine...Suit yourself. Have a nice vacation.

-You too.

-I hate that I met you 2 weeks before vacation.

- Me too.

- Give me your phone

- My number?

-No. Your phone

- Ok...Why?

-Hang on

- Not a very patient person here. What are you doing? – Plu I was never a fan of giving the guy I was into my unlocked phone.

-Checking your nude pictures


-Chill. I'm done. I was adding myself to your whatsapp contacts.


-Do you really have nudes on this phone though?

-Of course not

-Cause you can send me some if you want

-Here comes the pervert

-But seriously...message me whenever you want. No matter what time it is.

- I will if I have some time

- I like you Laura. You are a different kind of different

-That makes no sense. But I like you too rocker guy. – Way more than he knew.

-That makes perfect sense.

- Ok...Whatever you say.

- Have a safe trip

-Have a nice party

- Yeah I'm going to go home after that. Oh Laura you are so screwed...

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