Chapter 29

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-You stupid asshole! – I know I should have been nicer. After all he was in the hospital. But I was so worried and angry and tired. I couldn't help it.

-Laura? What are...

-What the hell were you thinking?

-Ahn? What are you doing here? Are you really here?

-You don't even know how to drink...what made you think you would know how to drink and drive? – I gave into my instincts and just started slapping him. Not strong enough to hurt him, just strong enough so he would know what an idiot I thought he was.

-Ouch...I guess you are...Stop hitting me...

-You got me so worried...

-Well I am you can go back...

-Sure let me just hop into my private jet and fly to the Caribbean to go to the ship and the job I no longer have...

-Oh... better oh...

-Well I didn't ask you to be did you even know?

-Does that even matter? How could you be so careless?

-Well after our last conversation I just didn't feel I had much to care about...

-I am so angry right now...

-I am sorry...but you shouldn't have come

-Oh I shouldn't? What if something had happened? What if you were dead? And my last words to you would have been "scum bag"?

-Yeah you should really be nicer to me...

-Nicer to you? I came to see if you were ok but now that I see you are all I can think about is killing you myself.

-I'm sorry.

-It's don't have to apologize to me...just help me understand...

-Things just haven't been that great...

-I get that...but it's life...most days won't be a walk in the park...and I am all up to taking your mind off of it...but you have to be smart about it...and you are way smarter than me

-No way...It's just for years now I had all this feelings you know...the butterflies and regrets and this being in love with you...


-Hm...- I just couldn't be quiet. Just had to make noise because...noise had to be made.

-And it's been such a many ups and downs...but I always knew that when the time came we would end up together you and me...

-Ai...- Just making noise... then our last two conversations happened...and all of a sudden it wasn't so clear anymore. That was it. Over...the only thing I was sure of...And I just felt so empty. Everything else in my life isn't that great...but isn't bad either...but I always had that to hold on to...and then it was gone...

-So you wanted to feel something again


-Yeah I know that feeling...- Who was I to judge...That feeling got me to start drinking when I was 17...

-See I knew you would understand...

-Yes but that's when you get wasted, not mix painkillers with alcohol!!


-And don't drive...Jesus...we are not in college anymore...There is no justifying being that stupid...

-I know...

-I was so worried...I just got the first flight out of there...Who would have thought that Curacao would have a straight flight to Chicago...

- I'm sorry...I'm sorry you lost your job over this...

-I didn't even have time to resign...or pack my bags...but I'm sure they will realize that they can clear my cabin when I don't show up for work...ever again.- And I couldn't help but laugh...I felt somehow relieved. He was ok. He would be ok.

-You are so beautiful when you smile like that...

-And you are clearly on some pretty strong painkillers right now

-Shut up

-I can know that...I must have an answer for everything.

- I love you

- I love you too

-Are you kidding me?

-What? Why?

-Now it's the time you choose to say it back?

-Why? What's wrong?

-All the other times, when we had a better context you were like "no, don't say it". But now here, in a hospital bed, when I have a broken leg, three broken ribs and a punctured lung you say it back...

-Better late than never...

-I guess...

-So...are you going to live?

-I hope so...although with the food they are giving I can't be so sure..Why?

-I don't know...I just thought, you know...since I am here...We might give that giving it a try thing a try...

-Are you serious?


-First an "I love you" and now this? This might be the best day of my adult life!

-Even with a broken leg, three broken ribs and a punctured lung?

-Well how else would the universe balance it out...

-No other way I guess...



-Are we about to have our first kiss?

-If you are willing to lean forward a little, cause I can't really move...

-So romantic...

-After 5 years...what else would you expect...

And just like that, it happened: our very first kiss. My head was buzzing and the butterflies were just going crazy in my stomach.

-Nothing...This is just as perfect as I imagined

-Me too...

-I can't believe this is happening...

-Me neither...I would ask you to pinch me so I know it is not a dream...but I am in enough pain as it is...

-Hey you get what you deserve

-I guess I do...and I couldn't be happier that what I deserve is you

-Ok...I am blushing and my hands are shaking...I thought I was too old for that...Stop taking my breath away...


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