Chapter 24

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Yes. After my first 6 months contract I was so happy. So happy I had to share it with my good friend Mark. Not because I missed him...just because happiness must be shared. That was the lie I told myself.

-Oh my God I found my true calling in life...

-Selling stuff? Or have you moved on from that? It's been 8 months, so I can't be sure...

-Really? That long?


-Guess time flies when you are having fun...

-Who would've thought you would enjoy being a salesperson that much...

-No...screw the job! I mean being a crew member...Even if I was cleaning the floors I would keep going back...

-That good?

-Oh you have no idea...people are crazier than me on the's like being in a college party that only gets interrupted for work...

-Good to hear...and to know you are alive...I tried calling on your birthday...- My heart melted a little.

-Sorry...I got my phone point keeping it

-How about to talk to me?

-I figured you didn't need me...Since things are going so great with your girlfriend...saw the pictures of your trip to Cancun by the way...- Oh yeah. And there was that...That kind o broke my heart a little bit. But I was getting pretty good at bouncing back from getting my heart broken by him- nice abs...when did you get those?

-I've always had do you...where did you see...are you facebook stalking me now?

-The real question you should ask is when have I ever not facebook stalked you?

-I did not know that

-Oh well...

-You know you could just call me and ask how I've been

-And where's the fun in that?

-Gee I don't know...hearing my voice...getting accurate facts??

-Did you not take a romantic trip to Cancun with your girlfriend Phoebe?


-Then I think my facts were pretty accurate...

-Ok...Happy belated birthday... you too...


-And congratulations on starting your own company... saw that...

-Facebook baby...

-Yes...solid source...

-You are going to do great, I am sure...

-Thank you means a lot coming from you...

-Why? It's not like I am a very accomplished person...

-And yet you are the most successful person I know...

-I am? You should really meet some new people then...

-I am serious...

-How come?

-You are happy...

-I am?

-You sound like it...

-I am...

-When I met you you had a plan: to leave and see the world...and that's what you did.

-True...I am still working on that world domination part though....

-I am sure you will succeed at that part too...

-we'll see...

-And how's jerk face?


-Your boyfriend?

-Rocker dude you've known me for almost 3 years many boyfriends have you ever seen me with?


-I don't do boyfriends...I do platonic love, daydreaming, pain and misery...

-What about the guy you met on the training course?

-Haven't heard from him in 8 months...



-Anyone on the ship?

-Just some weirdos and some girls...


-Yes...I am a big hit with girls...If I was a lesbian I would very likely hook up with twice as many girls as you do...

-I do not doubt that...

-Maybe one of this days...who knows...

-But what about pain and misery?

-One of these days I'm going to have to let them go...

-Let me know when so I can get in line...

-Yeah...I'll make sure to save you and Phoebe a spot...

-That should be interesting...


-You should consider...

-I will poke my eyes out with a fork before I ever meet one of your girlfriends ever again...



-So where are you now?


-Why don't you come to Chicago to visit?

-I will...My sister moved to Chicago...and she just found out she is pregnant

-Oh Auntie Laura


-Can you please let me know when you come?

-Yes...I only have 3 weeks of vacation left, so it will be some time next week...

-I will be waiting...


-I miss you

-I miss you too Mark...

-Why is it that when you say my name I just hate it so much...

-What do you mean?

-Whenever you call me Mark it just physical pain...

-Sorry rocker guy...

-So much better...

-Talk to you later?

-Later it is!! Come soon!

-I will...

Ok, I lied. I wasn't going to call him. He would be the last person on earth I wanted to see. Why would I want to see him? To fall under his spell again? To see what I could never have? No thanks. I'd rather just keep him in my head. In scenarios I could actually control. I wasn't ready to see him again. Not now. And very likely not ever again.

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