Chapter 21

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And then the next day I couldn't help myself. I just wanted to make sure he was ok...

- On a scale of one to Bozo the clown how much did I embarrassed myself yesterday?

-You were more like depressed country singer then clown....

-Oh great...did I tell you I lov...

-Oh no no no...I stopped you just in time...

-What is with you and that sentence?

-I just don't want to hear it unless you mean it

-Maybe I do mean it...have you ever thought of that?

-Yeah right...Well...even if you did, what good would that do right now?

-Wouldn't you want to know?

-No...we are in different continents...and quite honestly, after everything I don't know if I would trust you on a long distance relationship...

-Excuse me?

-You cheated on your not so long distance girlfriend?

-Ok, I am too hungover to get into that discussion...

-Oh poor you...


-Hangover and platonic love...You are actually turning into me!!

-I can't...I am weak...

-Yes little grasshopper...You must practice if you want to be strong like your master...

-Jesus no...Never again...- Hadn't I heard that before...

-Sounds like what I would say after a night of heavy drinking and dialing because of the pains of platonic love...

- Ok how does that even work?


- This platonic thing you talk so much about. does it work?

- I don't know, I think it's different for everyone. For me, it goes like this. I look at someone and start imagining what that person is like. I imagine myself with that person, all the great things we could do together, and how great our lives would be. I start making up stories about how we would meet and what we would say. And before I know I'm completely in love with someone I have never met.

- But I thought a platonic love was being in love with someone you can never get.

- Well, what's more impossible to get than a person that doesn't even exist.

- But here's the thing, you said you never just pictured yourself with me...

-And who said you are my platonic love? I'm real love?

- wish...Maybe you should just face the fact that I'm just not in love with you?

-Yeah right...

-Rocker conceited...

-What can I say...I know what I got...

-You know what I got? A date...gotta go...


-You heard me

-A date with who?

-Where's all that self confidence now?


-It's a job interview...chill...- Ok it was a date. But why torture him with it? It would probably go nowhere, just like any other date I had in the past year...

-I thought you were coming back soon...

-Maybe...we'll see...

-Please come back...

-Please take care of yourself ok?

-Ok...Good luck!

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