Chapter 28

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A week later, I got a very weird message from my sister saying Joey was trying to reach me and that it was urgent. Since I hadn't talked to Joey in years you can imagine how surprised and curious I was.


-Laura? Jesus fucking Christ why is it so hard to get a hold of you?

-I got your message from my sister...What's up?


-On a cruise ship on the Caribbean sea

-I always knew you would be the one who would make it...

-Joe...don't get me wrong, but we haven't talked in what? 3 years?

-Yeah...long time...

-Yeah, and then I get a message from my sister that you need to talk to me and that it is urgent...

-Oh yeah...almost forgot...


-Yeah, so you remember your rocker sophomore? – How could I ever forget...

-Yes...what about him?

-Well...I don't think I should be doing this but Mary insisted...


-Yeah and by insisted she kind of made me do it...

-What is she? Your mother?

-My girlfriend actually...

-Wow...I did not see that coming...

-Me neither...



-What did Mary insists you tell me?

-Your rocker guy...he was in a car accident...

-WHAT? – suddenly I couldn't fell my hands. Once again it felt like all my blood was rushing to my toes.

-Yeah...2 days ago...drunk driving...apparently he was pretty wasted...mixed pain killers with alcohol... - Who the hell did he think he was? James Dean?

-He doesn't even drink...Are you sure?

-Oh he drinks...We ran into him at a bar last week...Looked like he could be one of us in college...

-Are you absolutely sure it was him?

-Please...I wanted to kick his ass so bad in college I would never forget that face...

-But I spoke to him last week...

-You still talk to him?

-It's complicated...

-It always is with you my dear...Good to see that not a lot has changed...

-Oh my God Joey is he ok? – It felt like my stomach was turning inside out. How could he be so stupid and irresponsible? That was so not like him.

-I don't know...We only know what we saw on the news...

-That is horrible...

-I told Mary we shouldn't tell you... should...

-There's nothing you can do about it from there...

-Yes...nothing I can do...not from here...Gotta go Joey

-What are you going to do...

-Thanks for telling me...tell Mary she was right...At least this once! Love you guys...


That was it. I went into automatic mode. I just had to see him. I had to do something. I had to. I just had to.

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