Chapter 17

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If this was a movie a lettering would come up righ now saying "Six months later". If this was a movie maybe he would have chasing after me and made some big ridiculous incredibly romantic gesture to get me back. If this was a movie, that would have happened and this would be me telling you about my happily ever after. But this is not a movie. This is my life. And in my life I spent 6 months avoiding any kind of situation I could possibly run into him. Not that that would have stopped him. If he wanted he knew where to find me. I guess he just didn't want to.

So 6 months later that was it. My last day of college.

-Can you believe this is the last time we will sit on this chairs?

-Last time we walk this hallways...

-Ok drama queens, you know we are still allowed to visit Campus right? We are graduating, not getting banned.

-Way to kill the sentiment Joey. But trust me, at least to me this will be the last time...

-Just because of the rocker guy? – Yes it was. Not only because I could end up running into him, but because I didn't want anything in my life that could, not even for a second, remind me of those stupid eyes.

-Shut up Mary...

-Oh come have successfully managed to avoid him this whole semester...I'm sure you will be able to tour campus after we graduate without having this not so pleasant encounter...

-You guys are the worse friends anyone could have ever had...I'm gonna miss you so much...

- I will miss you guys the most...I am not graduating yet...and somehow Joey is...

-I have my ways...- His ways was always partnering up with me and getting me to do all the work.

-I don't even want to know...let's get this over with...

-Oh Mary look at her...she can't wait to leave us and hop on that plane to London.

Yes, this was not a movie. This was my life and I was taking control of it. And by taking control I mean running further away from things I didn't want to deal with. So I was going to do a six months specialization course in Media and Arts in London.

- Yes, that is very true...but not for the next 4 days...So let's go so I can get the hell out of campus.

-Yes ma'am

- Yeah you might actually want to hurry or you won't be able to make it without running into rocker guy...

-What? - Have you ever felt all the blood in your body rushing to your toes? It is not a pleasant feeling.

-Ooops...too late, here he comes....Come on Mary...

-No...guys...- And just like that they abandoned me

-Hey...Laura...- And just like that he approached me

-Can you not?


-Talk to me? – Yes I was being rude. But can you blame me?

-Still mad at me? - Yes

-Not mad at you I just really want to pretend that you don't exist.

-Guess that's why I haven't seen you around for the past 6 months...

-Boy aren't you smart...

-Ok stop with that.

-Ok I forgive you ok? Is that what you want? Make peace? Ok then I am no longer mad at you. Now excuse me cause I have one last class before I can leave this place and look back at college as the best time of my life and feel sorry it's over, like any other person who did not have the worse experience of her life on her last semester

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