Chapter 2: The Man in Black

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Aiden blinked.

He looked around the room as his eyes adjusted to the light. "Where...?"

He went to move but realized his wrists were bound to the arms of the metal chair he sat in. "No, no, no" he whispered, feeling his heart start to race. 

Looking down, he noticed his ankles were also bound to the chair. Hyperventilating, he screamed and cried out for help only to hear his own voice echo throughout whatever... building he was in. 

He flinched when he heard a gunshot in close proximity to where he sat. 

"You're a noisy one, aren't you?"

Aiden looked to where the voice came from and saw the man in black slowly appear from the shadows. 

"You..." he breathed. 

Aiden's eyes widened. The man couldn't have been older than twenty-two. He stared at Aiden with an amused look. "What's your name?"


"What is your name?" the man said again, walking closer to Aiden.

Aiden swallowed, looking down at the ground. "Aiden" he muttered.

"Kazimir" the man responded, catching Aiden's attention.



Aiden bit the inside of his cheek, analyzing the tall and lean figure standing in front of him. "I'm guessing your name is Kazimir?"

Kazimir nodded, running his fingers through his dark hair. 

"Cool. Can I go now?" Aiden said, looking to the side and breaking eye contact.

He paused, feeling Kazimir's cold hand on his chin. He grabbed it and jerked it to the side, making him look at him once more. 

Aiden watched as Kazimir's eyes darkened. "Not after what you saw."

"I saw nothing" he lied, feeling sweat start to trickle down his back. 

"You're not going anywhere any time soon" Kazimir said, letting his hand drift away from Aiden's face. 

"Let me go" Aiden demanded, tilting his chin up.

Kazimir raised his eyebrow. "Let you go? I'm afraid it's not gonna be that easy" he said cracking his knuckles.

Aiden's chest tightened. He opened his mouth to say something, but Kazimir spoke first.

"How am I supposed to know you won't go and report me to the police right away? Or tell anyone else for that matter? You can't possibly expect me to trust you?" 

Aiden stared at him.

Kazimir gave him a wry smile. "Be good for me and I'll be nice to you" he said, backing away. "Try to escape and... well, I hope it doesn't come to that."

His grin spread across his face before he faded away back into the darkness, leaving Aiden alone again.

Aiden's body slumped down in the chair as he let out a sigh. There has to be a way out. He has to escape. 

"Kazimir" he said through his teeth, clenching his jaw. They had barely spoken with each other, and he already hated him. 

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