Chapter 3: His Prisoner

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Kazimir walked into the dark and empty room where Aiden sat silently, staring down at the ground. It was morning, but with no windows, Aiden had no way of knowing that.

"Wakey, wakey" Kazimir grinned, walking up to Aiden. He held an apple in his hand along with a bottle of water in his other. "You must be hungry, right?"

No response.

Kazimir's grin faded as he set the apple and water on the floor, kneeling in front of Aiden. He snapped his fingers in front of Aiden's face.


"Aiden" he said, bringing his hand up to Aiden's face to tap his cheek.

He winced, feeling teeth bite down on his hand as he snatched it away before slapping him across the face.

Aiden's head jerked to the side as the back of Kazimir's hand collided with his cheek, but he stayed silent.

"You know, I was gonna put you in an upgraded room" Kazimir started, standing up and glaring down at Aiden, watching the blood from his lip drip onto his jeans. "With some light at least."

"What difference would it make?" Aiden grumbled, finally looking up to meet Kazimir's stare. His golden-brown eyes gleamed with anger.

Kazimir scoffed. "Don't you want light to be able to tell when it's morning and night? When it's the start of a new day?"

"Just leave me alone."

"If I left you alone, you would starve to death and die in that chair" Kazimir said, narrowing his eyes. "You should be thankful for my kindness."

"Kindness?" Aiden echoed, staring at Kazimir with an irritated look. "You took me in as your prisoner and are just now giving me food, if you even count that as food. You made me sleep straight up in a metal chair. And both my wrists and ankles are aching. I hardly consider that kindness."

Kazimir leaned in with his hands behind his back. "You're still alive, aren't you? You're not being beaten, are you? You're being fed, aren't you?"

Aiden stuck up his nose at him.

"You're an interesting one" Kazimir said with a smirk as he studied Aiden's expression.

"These restraints hurt."

Kazimir laughed at Aiden's complaint.

He watched as Aiden's eyes widened when he reached for his restraints around his wrists. Kazimir's hands were on top of Aiden's wrist as he stared at him, waiting until he locked eyes with him.

"Do I have your attention now?" Kazimir asked in a low tone.

Aiden gave him a questioning look but nodded.

Kazimir slowly started to undo the restraints on Aiden's wrist. Only a fool would try to attack me in his current situation. Kazimir let that thought stay in his head until two hands wrapped themselves around his throat.

He gasped, looking at Aiden who was leaned forward with his arms outstretched. He started to feel lightheaded as he continued to stare at Aiden's determined and furious face.

"Idiot" Kazimir rasped, taking hold of one of Aiden's arms and breaking it without hesitation.

Aiden cried out in pain, instantly releasing his hold on Kazimir's neck.

Kazimir rubbed his neck as he looked down at Aiden who was screaming and staring at his mangled arm. He sighed, pulling out a syringe he had kept hidden in his jacket pocket.

Aiden was too distracted to notice Kazimir closing in on him before sticking the needle into his neck. Aiden stilled, looking at Kazimir with heavy lidded eyes. "Sleep" Kazimir whispered.

Aiden's tears continued to stream down his cheeks before his eyes finally shut and his body went limp.

Kazimir kneeled down again and un-did the restraints on his ankles.

He picked up Aiden's weak body and held him in his arms, carrying him away into a different room.

Kazimir squinted at the light when he entered.

The room was smaller, but the walls were clearly visible and there was a decent sized window about 8 feet up one of the side walls. Chains sprawled across the floor all the way to the small and dirty sleeping area in the corner underneath the window.

A dirty pillow laid on top of a somewhat thick blue blanket that had a thinner white blanket on top of it.

Kazimir laid Aiden down on top of the bed, attaching the chain to one of his ankles, before he walked off.

He wouldn't wake up for another few hours, so Kazimir had time to prepare his new set-up.

There was something about Aiden that fascinated Kazimir, and he wanted to keep him here with him. He had to anyways so that Aiden didn't go straight to the police.

Kazimir came back with a few supplies and found Aiden right where he left him. He sat down next to him, gently putting a splint on his broken arm.

He let Aiden's head rest in the crook of his elbow as he used his other hand to put a water bottle to his lips, getting a little fluid into his system. He set him back down along with the water bottle and apple that he placed next to his head.

"I'll see you when you wake up, Aiden" he whispered, walking out the metal door and locking it behind him. 

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