Chapter 6: Getting to Know Him

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Aiden could only imagine what the weather was like as he stared out his window. The sun shined down on him, covering him in warmth and the sky was blue, free of clouds.

He could hear the faint sound of wind brushing against nearby leaves.

It hadn't even been a week yet and Aiden found himself longing to feel the cool breeze against his face. He wondered if Kazimir trusted him enough to let him outside. 

Aiden wasn't stupid. He knew it would be foolish to try to just run away from someone as swift and skilled as Kazimir. But he couldn't help but wonder what Kazimir would even do if he tried.

His thoughts were interrupted by a rap at the door.

"Come in."

Kazimir couldn't help but stare a little at Aiden's features that were more visible in the light. "Hungry?" he asked eventually, taking a step towards him.

Aiden stayed sat on the ground as he stared up at Kazimir. "I could go for a breakfast burrito right about now" he said with a light laugh.

Kazimir offered him a wry smile. "Anything else?"

Aiden blinked. "Are you saying you'll get me one?"

"Aren't you asking for one?" Kazimir asked, cocking his brow.

Aiden beamed, making Kazimir's smile widen. 

"Yes, yes I am!"

"Done" Kazimir winked. "Any drink requests?"

"Strawberry smoothie."

"That's food."

"Only if you think of it as such" Aiden grinned, waving around his pointer finger.

Kazimir sighed. "Fine, fine" he said putting his hands up. "I'll be back in a bit."

Aiden was still surprised at the treatment he was getting from the man who had kidnapped him and broken his arm.

Well, thinking of that, he should be treating him nicely.

Aiden blew a stray hair out of his face. When was the last time he had showered? He leaned his head down slightly to sniff himself. 

"Eck" he muttered. 

Perhaps he could test his luck and ask Kazimir if he has a shower he can use. 

Maybe he wasn't so bad.

No. What was Aiden thinking? This man is a murderer. He can't be trusted. 


The food Kazimir held in his hands wasn't the highest of quality, but he was running out of money so this was the best he could do.

He paused in front of Aiden's door. Was he being too nice to him? Was he being weak for feeling bad for Aiden?

Kazimir shook his head before knocking, waiting to hear Aiden's voice before he entered.

He walked up to Aiden and handed him his burrito and strawberry smoothie.

"Where's your food?" Aiden asked, already taking a big bite out of his burrito.

"I already ate it" Kazimir lied. He didn't have the money to get something for himself so he chugged a bottle of water instead. 

Aiden gave him a look before shrugging and taking a sip of his smoothie. 

"You're gonna give yourself a brain freeze" Kazimir warned as he watched Aiden quickly drink his smoothie.

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