Chapter 10: His Tears

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Aiden woke up in a silent room. He shot straight up, wincing at the pain of his injuries. He looked down to his torso that was wrapped in bandaged and put a hand up to his cheek to feel the bandaging there too.

Heal him.

He remembered Kazimir's words.


Kazimir had just gotten shot. Aiden ran out of the room that happened to be unlocked and he ran to the spot where he thought was the front of the building.

He frantically looked around, ignoring the immense pain he was still in. He let out a gasp when he saw the blood splattered against a wall.

He was right there.

But Kazimir's body was gone.

Aiden dropped to his knees and wept, burying his face in his hands.

"Consider yourself lucky" a voice said from behind Aiden. "You're still alive."

Aiden looked over his shoulder to see Cain glaring down at him. "Leave me alone" he said bitterly.

Cain muttered something under his breath that Aiden didn't care to hear as he walked away.

"Kazimir" he sobbed, letting his tears fall to the ground.

Kazimir's eyes shot open.

"Don't move" a soft voice said next to him.

Kazimir blinked, looking around. He was in a small room with a lamp in the corner of it.

Wait a second, he had just been shot.

Was he really alive?

"Who..." he muttered, trailing off.

"My name is Adeline and I 'work'" she said with air quotes "for Cain. I'm one of the medics. And you're lucky he missed one of your vitals. That's how you're still alive right now."

Everything came rushing back to him.

"You're supposed to be with Aiden!"

"The other medics are with Aiden. Cain doesn't pay much attention to me, so I managed to slip away out of his sight after he tossed your body out back."

"So where am I?"

"Back at your place."

"How is that..."

"It's true" another voice said. Katerina. She smiled at him. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you" she said putting her hands up.


"Yeah" a third voice said from behind Katerina. The man who Kazimir had shot first. His brown curls bounced in front of his eyes as he walked towards him. "I thought I was dead" he chuckled. "But you really aren't a murder, are you? Those poison darts barely did a thing aside from knocking us out."

Kazimir weakly smiled. "I never wanted to end up like him."

"Speaking of Cain" the medic said. "All three of us have been planning to betray him eventually, we just haven't been able to figure out how and when."

Kazimir's eyes widened. "Katerina? You? One of his most trusted companions?"

Katerina smirked. "Exactly. I'm not a fan on how he runs things and I don't like being told what to do" she said, picking at her nails and tossing her braid over her shoulder. "That's Jason by the way" she said, nodding to the curly headed man. "He's new."

Now that Kazimir took a second look at him, he looked younger than he was. Probably in his late teens. "Nice to meet you, Jason" he said extending his arm for him to shake his hand.

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