Chapter 7: No One Has to Know

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Kazimir was frozen as he felt Aiden's soft lips against his. 

Aiden pulled away too soon. "I'm-- I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over m--" 

Kazimir leaned back in and stole the words from Aiden's mouth, kissing him hard. His fingers ran through Aiden's hair as Aiden's hand tugged on his shirt. 

"Kazimir" Aiden breathed.

Kazimir leaned away just a couple inches. "Yes?"

He smiled as he beheld Aiden's blushing face. 

Aiden smiled back, leaning into Kazimir, taking in the feeling of his body against his. "You said I had a kind heart."


"How can you know that?"

"I have the ability to read people in a way most people could never understand. Trust me."

Trust him.

Aiden nodded. "I trust you" he whispered. 

Aiden trusted that everything Kazimir has told him was all truth. He just knew Kazimir had no intent on hurting him in any way. He wouldn't. 

"You know, most people wouldn't trust someone like me with so many secrets."

"But you shared those secrets with me" Aiden murmured. "And if you trust me with secrets like those, how can I not show you the same amount of trust?"

He couldn't see him, but he could hear the smile in Kazimir's voice. "That is true. But promise me one thing."


"You have to not speak a word of this ever. I'm no one and you don't know me" Kazimir whispered into Aiden's hair.

Aiden nodded again. "I understand. Don't worry, Kazimir. Your secret is safe with me."

"Thank you" Kazimir breathed as he held Aiden close to him. 

The two slowly laid down in Kazimir's bed, not breaking eye contact as the laid on their sides. Kazimir's eyes drifted to Aiden's broken arm that laid on Aiden's hip.

"How's your arm feeling?"

Aiden smiled. "I barely even think about it."

"So, better?"


They smiled at each other, inching closer as Kazimir wrapped an arm around Aiden's waist and Aiden snuggled into his chest.

Kazimir kissed Aiden's head and held him close as they both started to doze off. 

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