Chapter 11: To Us

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Aiden buried his face into Kazimir's chest, crying and laughing as he wrapped his arms around him.

He felt the warmth of Kazimir's touch once again and he couldn't be happier and more relieved. "You're alive" he breathed.

"I'm alive" Kazimir whispered into his hair, pulling him closer.

"We're all alive!" Jason cheered, spinning around before grabbing Katerina's shoulders. "We're alive, we're alive!"

"Hey! What're you--"

Jason cut her off with a kiss on the lips. "We're alive!"

Katerina shoved him away. "Get off me you idiot!" she said, turning away to hide her blush.

Kazimir and Aiden looked at each other and laughed, holding onto each other tightly.

Aiden put his hands on Kazimir's chest and looked up at him. "Kazimir?"


"What did you say to me before you got shot?"

Kazimir's eyes widened. Suddenly everyone's eyes were on him.

Katerina simply grinned at him as he spoke. "I said that I loved you" Kazimir said just above a whisper.

Aiden could feel the butterflies in his stomach. "You... love me?" he whispered.

Kazimir smiled, caressing Aiden's cheek before gently kissing his lips. "I love you" he said, his warm breath touching Aiden's skin.

The tears falling down Aiden's face didn't cease as he smiled back and said, "I love you too."

"That's kinda gay" Jason said from behind them, trying to hold in his laughter.

"No shit" Kazimir said with a grin.

Aiden chuckled as he kissed Kazimir's cheek.

Back at Kazimir's place, the five of them drank together, celebrating their win.

"To victory" Adeline said.

"To the death of that asshole" Katerina grinned.

"To gayness" Jason said, nodding to Kazimir with a smirk.

Kazimir rolled his eyes but smiled back.

"To us" Aiden said as they all clinked their glasses together.

Adeline, Kat, and Jason went around and started tidying up the place, making cells into actual rooms and making them cozy. Although it didn't take long for Kat and Jason, the ones who drank the most, to pass out in one of the cells together.

Katerina sat up against a wall, dead asleep, with Jason next to her, drooling on her shoulder and snoring like a bear.

Adeline smiled at Kazimir and Aiden, telling them goodnight before she went off into a separate cell that she started to turn into her own room.

Aiden laid in Kazimir's bed while he waited for him to get out of the shower.

The familiar scent of his bedsheets made him smile.


Kazimir's voice brought Aiden back to reality. He sat up and looked at Kazimir's body with water still dripping down from his sharp jawline to his collarbones to his chest and down to his abs...

"Aiden" Kazimir said again, this time with a sly smile.

Aiden blinked, giving him a sheepish grin. "Yes?"

"You seem distracted" Kazimir said, adjusting the towel around his waist before running his fingers through his damp hair.

Aiden swallowed, gradually standing up and walking over to him. He put his hands on Kazimir's chest, watching as Kazimir's hands wrapped themselves around Aiden's.

Simultaneously, they looked at each other.

Aiden felt Kazimir's heart pound against his chest and smiled.

"Kazimir" Aiden said softly as he slid off his own shirt.

Kazimir watched Aiden strip before he let his towel drop to the floor. He grabbed Aiden's waist and picked him up, carrying him to bed as Aiden wrapped his legs around him.

Aiden looked up at Kazimir, his eyes yearning for him.

Kazimir leaned down and kissed him roughly as Aiden wrapped his arms around Kazimir's neck, moaning against his lips when he felt Kazimir inside of him.

The bed creaked and shifted as Aiden gripped the sheets while Kazimir kissed down his neck, leaving dark marks in the process.

Whispering each other's names and breathing as one, the two made love on Kazimir's bed until they were asleep and entwined.

They looked forward to what came next for them. 

A/N: Thank you all for reading! I really enjoyed writing this story and have been thinking about writing a sequel 👀 Thoughts? 

Update: I'm currently writing the sequel and publishing new chapters! 

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