Chapter 9: Sacrifice

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Aiden looked around at his surroundings. Pretty similar to his first day in Kazimir's little building.

Same dark room where the walls couldn't be seen and the light was dim shining down on him. Rope was tied around his mid-section to keep him in place and his ankles were tied as well.

Fucking fantastic.

His eyes widened when the muscular man stepped forward and slid off his mask. His short brown hair stuck up at all the wrong angles and his dark brown eyes were almost sinister looking.

"Who are you?" Aiden demanded.

"You can call me Cain" the man grinned, offering Aiden his hand to shake.

Aiden made a face, looking down at his restraints and then back up at Cain.

Cain laughed, pulling his hand away. "I see you've met my old friend Kazimir."

"What about it?"

"What is he to you? You were trying to call out to him when you saw us."

Aiden tilted his chin up. "He was just nicer looking than you."

Cain grabbed Aiden's hair, yanking his head forward. "Answer my questions or die. Is that clear?"

Aiden swallowed before slowly nodding.

"Now answer the question..."


"Aiden" Cain said, letting go.

"He's an acquaintance" Aiden said carefully. "I've only known him for like a week."

"Mm, interesting" Cain said turning away.

Aiden let out a sigh, flinching when Cain spun around with a gun aimed at Aiden's head.

"What the hell did I do? I answered your fucking question!" Aiden snapped.

"You're a liar" Cain hissed, pressing the gun to Aiden's forehead.

Aiden leaned back in his chair, feeling his heart start to pound inside his chest. "Okay, okay! So, I like him a little, that's it!"

Cain grinned, putting the gun away. "So, you must mean something to him."

Aiden grimaced. "I'm sure I don't. I mean, he's a criminal, he couldn't like me" he lied again, trying to be more convincing.

"I admire your courage" Cain said, putting a firm hand on Aiden's head. "But you can't fool me. Kazimir has always been one of the weaker ones; he could easily fall for someone like you. Which means..."

Aiden stiffened.

Cain leaned in closer to Aiden's ear. "I can get under his skin just by leaving a scratch on ya."

"I- I don't think that's necessary" Aiden said, having trouble hiding his fear.

"I gotta show him I mean business, don't I?"

"You can do that in other ways!"

"But what's the fun in that?" Cain said, pulling out his switchblade and grabbing Aiden's face.

"No, no, no please!"

Aiden screamed as Cain dug the blade into his cheek.

Kazimir hurried along the trail left by the car. He knew he had to be getting close. Closer to Aiden.

His eyes locked on a building similar to his.


He moved through the shadows until he was at a window to sneak into. He sighed.

If I know Cain, he's gonna be waiting for me at the front.

He groaned, walking towards the entrance before kicking down the door with his throwing knives in hand.

Kazimir felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces at the sight of Aiden lying down on the floor surrounded in a puddle of blood. He dropped his knives and ran to him, scooping him up in his arms. "Aiden? Aiden!"

He ran his finger along the fresh scar on his cheek and looked down to his bleeding shirt. He lifted it up to see another deep wound.

"Cain!" he snapped.

Cain stepped out of the shadows, cracking his neck. "Kazimir" he said with a smirk.

Kazimir took his shirt off to put it on Aiden's stomach wound and started applying pressure.

"He won't die" Cain said, stepping closer. "If you die."

Kazimir's eyes darted to Cain. "What do you want, Cain?"

"He knows too much" he started as he aimed the gun at Aiden's head. "And I only need one of ya. So, either you die, and he works for me, or he dies, and you stay on your contract."

Kazimir paused, looking down at Aiden.

That logic is completely stupid.

"Heal him" he demanded.

Aiden opened an eye to see Kazimir talking to someone. He couldn't hear what he was saying, and his vision was blurry. "Kaz...imir..." he whispered, catching his attention.

"Save your voice."

Aiden sighed, feeling the stinging pain of his cuts.

His brows rose when Kazimir stood up, gently laying him down. "Kazimir" he breathed.

Aiden flinched when he felt arms start to lift him up off the ground. Gentle ones. Like they were going to help him.

He relaxed a bit and shot Kazimir a puzzled look.

Kazimir looked at him and smiled. Aiden's eyes slowly started to focus enough for him to be able to see the single tear that rolled down Kazimir's cheek as he said something to Aiden before looking away.

He stood as still as a statue.

What's he doing?

Aiden still had trouble making out words, but that sound was unmistakable.

The loud bang of a gunshot.

His jaw dropped as he watched Kazimir's body fall backwards into a wall before slumping against it.


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