Chapter 4: Insanity

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Aiden's eyes slowly opened as he yawned.

He flinched, feeling the pain in his arm, remembering what happened just a few hours ago. His brows furrowed when he felt a weight on his arm.

He lifted his head to see the splint on his arm.

"You're awake."

Aiden startled, looking to the side to see Kazimir leaning against a wall. His blue eyes glistened in the sunlight and his pale skin was dirtied. Aiden's eyes drifted to the bandages that were wrapped around Kazimir's neck.

He waited for Kazimir to say something but his lips remained shut.

"Your neck" Aiden said quietly.

Kazimir just nodded towards the apple and water sitting next to Aiden.

Aiden frowned. "What happened to your neck?"

"Just eat."



Aiden sighed, taking the apple in his hand and waving it around before taking a bite. "Happy?" he said while chewing. It took him a minute to really feel the difference in his wrists and ankles. They felt free and loose. The restraint on his one ankle felt like nothing.

He looked at Kazimir with a puzzled face and watched as he walked over to him. He took a seat a good distance away as he looked at him.

"You're awfully quiet" Aiden remarked.

"Is that a problem?"

Aiden paused, arching his brow. "Show me your neck."

Kazimir rolled his eyes, taking off the bandaging and letting it fall to the floor.

Aiden's breath caught.

He stared at the many scratches and bruises around the sides of Kazimir's neck as well as some marks in the middle. It must be painful for him to speak, he thought.

Looking at him again, he could tell he was struggling to form a sentence. "Happy?"

Aiden pressed his lips together, watching Kazimir put the bandages back on. He almost wanted to apologize, but he looked down at his broken arm and back up at Kazimir. He deserved it.

Didn't he?

"Kazimir... right?" Aiden finally said.

Kazimir nodded, running his fingers through his hair.

"Why did you... do this" he said, looking around the room.

Kazimir rubbed his throat. "You... deserved something better" he whispered. "And... I'm sorry" he said as his eyes shifted down to Aiden's broken arm. "Instinct."

Aiden tilted his head, his brown hair brushing against his forehead. "Instinct?"

Kazimir nodded again.

It would make sense for someone like him to have instincts like that in order to defend himself. What all has he been through?

As if sensing his thoughts, Kazimir stood and started to turn around like he wanted to avoid the question.

"Wait" Aiden said before he could stop himself.

Kazimir paused, looking over his shoulder, watching Aiden start to stand up.

Aiden had forgotten that he hadn't stood on his own in a while and was surprised when his legs gave out on him, and he started to fall forward. He cursed, feeling gravity pull him down.

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