Chapter 8: Captured Once Again

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Aiden woke up tangled in Kazimir's arms. He gently scooted away and managed to get out of bed to look out the window. It was probably the middle of the night by now.

His eyes widened with realization. If he wanted to escape, he probably could right now.

He looked back at Kazimir. No.

Aiden had already grown quite attached to Kazimir and couldn't just leave him. He wouldn't mind staying with him if he was being honest with himself. He sighed through his nose before slowly standing. He could at least look around, right? No harm in that.

Aiden could see why Kazimir never bothered to give him a tour of the place. There were barely any windows and there were four other chambers that were similar to his own. If he squinted, he noticed a couple more blood stains here and there.

He paused when he stumbled across a door he hadn't noticed before. It was on the wall behind the chair he was first sat in.

His eyes widened.

This must be the exit.

Aiden sharply inhaled before spinning around on his feet, turning away.

His heart dropped when he heard it slowly creek open.

"Kazimir?" he whispered, hopeful it was him as he turned around.

Three tall figures dressed in black with their faces concealed by masks hovered over Aiden.

They exchanged a look before the one in the middle stared down at Aiden.

Aiden didn't think. He turned around and bolted, opening his mouth to scream for Kazimir. "Ka- hmph-"

A big hand was slapped over Aiden's mouth as his body was violently yanked back into the chest of the middle man. He kicked and struggled, instantly stopping when he felt the tip of a dagger at his throat.

Sweat started to drip down his spine as he started to panic. Was he about to be killed?

He tilted his head slightly to see the man holding him nod to his two companions.

When Aiden looked closer, one of the two had to be a woman with those curves and hourglass figure in her skin tight black clothing. She had guns attached to the belt at her waist and daggers attached to the straps around her ribcage and her shoulders.

The other one, a man, was heading straight towards the direction of Kazimir's room. He glanced back at the muscular man keeping a tight hold on Aiden.

They nodded at each other before the leaner man went off into the shadows.

Aiden expected to be kept here until Kazimir was brought out in some way, so he startled when the man started to drag him out the door. He had no choice but to follow after him with the dagger still at his throat ready to slice it at any second.

Kazimir opened one eye when he heard footsteps. He felt the other side of the bed, panicking when Aiden wasn't there. He forced himself to take steady breaths and remain calm as he quietly slipped out of bed, reaching underneath it.

He strapped on his belt, attaching a gun to it and pulling out two throwing knives to hold in his hands.

He kneeled down behind his bed, peeking out from the corner to watch his door.

Kazimir stayed still and silent when it was kicked open by a man who held a gun in his hand, waving it around as he took in his surroundings.


Kazimir had to get to him. He slid a poison dart in his gun, slowly bringing it up and aiming it at the man's arm.

The man spun to face him, but Kazimir was quicker. He pulled the trigger, sinking the poison dart into the man's shoulder, watching as his body fell forward.

Kazimir jolted his body forward to catch the man before he hit the ground. Gently and silently setting him down, Kazimir stood behind his door, loading another poison dart in his gun, as he waited to hear more footsteps.

Aiden was brought to a dark car that blended in with the darkness of the night and saw that a man was already in the car. The muscular man shoved his head down into the car to sit in the small space in the middle next to the man in the passenger's seat who pulled out a gun and held it to Aiden's head as the other man started the car.

"Where are we going?" Aiden muttered.

The man to his left only responded by wrapping a blindfold around his head and staying silent.

"Good talk" Aiden said under his breath.

Kazimir exited his room, pressing his body against the walls of the building, halting when he heard more footsteps. Lighter more cautious ones.

He cocked his brow, seeing a shadow round a corner, getting closer to him.

Once the figure rounded the corner he was hidden behind, Kazimir swiftly moved to press the gun to the figure's head. "Drop your weapons" he demanded.

He couldn't see their face, but he could tell they were smiling as they dropped their weapons to the floor. "You've gotten better."

A woman's voice.

She stood still as Kazimir lifted her mask. Her long blonde hair was braided, falling down onto her back as the mask was removed. The scar that ran along her cheek reached up to one of her light blue eyes. "Kazimir."

"Katerina" he said through his teeth. "Where are the others?"

She held her hands up. "Long gone by now" she grinned.


"Too bad" Katerina teased.

"Shut up" Kazimir snarled, lowering the gun and shooting her in the thigh.

Her body fell into his and he dragged her to the chair towards the entrance and strapped her down. He went back to his room and dragged out the man, locking him in the cell that was once Aiden's.

I'll find you, Aiden he promised as he departed. 

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