Chapter 5: Scars

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Kazimir walked through the dark halls in his unlighted building until he found his small bedroom with a tiny bathroom attached. He walked into his bathroom and slid his shirt off, looking in the mirror. He stared at the deep scar that ran along his chest and traced it with his hand.

He sighed, turning on the water and splashing some on his face before looking back up at his reflection, the water dripping down from his chin. He took a minute to look at the muscular body he hid beneath his loose clothing. "At least I'm still in shape" he muttered to himself before he heard a loud scream.

Kazimir ran to the source and followed the screams to Aiden's chamber.

He forcefully opened the door and looked around the room in a panic. Aiden was as close to the door as possible with the chain keeping him from getting too close.


"There's a roach; kill it!"

Kazimir squinted and saw the movement of the bug in the blood-stained corner. He walked over to it and stomped on it, twisting his foot until he knew it was crushed beneath his shoe.

His shoulders rolled back when he stood up straight to turn around and look at Aiden who was curled up on the floor.

Kazimir walked over to him and offered him his hand.

Aiden stared at him like he was in a daze before accepting his hand.

Kazimir pulled him up, keeping an eye on his broken arm that dangled beside his slim frame.

"Thanks" Aiden breathed, looking up at Kazimir.

"Yeah" Kazimir said, feeling Aiden's warm breath against his chest and his eyes trace his bare skin.

Their eyes were fixated on each other and Kazimir couldn't bring himself to look away. Until Aiden did.

Kazimir stepped away and took another look around the room. "I don't see any more movement so you should be good" he said with a small but charming smile before he strode towards the door.

"Kazimir" Aiden said, his name rolling off of his tongue as if he's said it a thousand times.

Kazimir halted.

"Where... did you get that scar?"

Kazimir put a hand on his chest, forgetting he was shirtless. "I may not have lost my sanity, but prison didn't treat me well." He turned around to face Aiden. "I wouldn't want anyone else to go through my pain."

Aiden's eyes drifted down to the several scars on one of Kazimir's hands.

Kazimir's body tensed when Aiden suddenly walked closer to him; his chain stopping him from getting too close. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry for" Kazimir was quick to say. "It's in the past" he said, turning away again and making it to the door.

He glanced over his shoulder to see Aiden still looking at him before shutting the door.

Aiden sat back down on his bed, reflecting on the information he had been given.

He's been through a lot.

What turned him into a thief in the first place?

Aiden chewed on his nail. So Kazimir used to be locked in this cell at some point and he must've been injured in it. Maybe he was in a similar situation. But he started out as a thief and was in prison for just two years. What could've changed him into... a murderer?

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