ch 36: Lincoln's new phone

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Both Lincoln and Octavia were heading back to the IMP building after getting Lincoln a new phone. "So you excited to set up your new phone Lincoln?" Octavia asked him. "I guess so." Lincoln said a little upset. "Hey what's wrong Lincoln?" Octavia asked concerned. "Did you really have to drop that much money on a phone for me? I know you're a rich princess and all but-" Lincoln was cut short when he felt a hand gently squeeze his shoulder. "Like I said Linky. You don't have to worry I only want to see you happy. And besides take this gift as thanks for being an absolute sweetheart." Octavia reassured him with a heartwarming smile. "Well fine but I mean it please don't spoil me like this again I'll just feel more guilty." Lincoln told her. "I can't promise anything Linky but trust me I won't spoil you nonstop." Octavia said ruffling the fake set of hair on his head. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?" Lincoln asked. "Hmmmm." Octavia said as she stopped to think for a second. "Well I've always kinda wondered how that would feel." Octavia said to herself. "Well I guess there is one way you can." Octavia said as she whispered in his ear something. "Lincolns face turned red as a tomato after what Octavia whispered to him. "But we'll do that later tonight ok?" Octavia told him. "I don't know what to say but O-Ok." Lincoln said still flustered by the princess's request. 15 minutes passed before the two made it back to the IMP building. "After you princess." Lincoln said as he opened the door. "Oh why thank you, you cute little devil." Octavia jokingly said as she walked into the building. Lincoln locked the door behind him before following Octavia up the stairs. They entered into the meeting room where Loona and Stolas were waiting for them. "Ah there you two are. Did you get Lincoln a new phone?" Stolas asked. "Yeah I may or may not have had spoiled him by getting him the best of the best." Octavia said. "Well that's a perk of having a rich royal princess as your girlfriend you're a lucky kid Lincoln." Loona told him. "I still thinks she's insane for dropping as much money as she did on this phone for me but I'm still grateful." Lincoln said with a smile. "So what did Octavia get you?" Just then the portal opened up and Blitz, Millie and Moxie walked through. "Ah I'm glad you two are back." Millie told them. "Yep just going phone shopping for Lincoln here." Octavia said. "Whatcha get?" Moxie asked him. Lincoln opened up the iPhone box revealing the iPhone itself. "Man she really did go all out for you with that 15" Loona looked in shock. "That's not even the expensive item wait until you see the case that it came with." Octavia said handing Lincoln the packaged phone case. Lincoln carefully opened the package and pulled the phone case out. Everyone including Lincoln stared at the phone case in shock. "Yo this is ridiculous." Loona said as she felt the case itself. "Is that real diamonds?" Millie asked in shock. "Yep it's real diamonds alright. Octavia told her. "Yeah you need to get another phone case cause you will get robbed if anyone sees you with that kiddo." Blitz said. "Yeah DO NOT leave this place with this phone case you will get mugged." Loona warned him. "Oh yeah that reminds me here you go." Lincoln said as he gave his mom the otter box for her phone. "Ah thanks kiddo." Loona said as she took the box. "Don't thank me thank Octavia she was the one that was crazy enough to make this expensive of a purchase for me." Lincoln told her. "How much money did you spend on this?" Stolas asked her. "$15,000." She responded. "Oh that's pocket change for us we'll make that back in like half a day." Stolas said. "See I told you Lincoln you have nothing to worry about." Octavia told him. "I don't care I don't want you dropping another penny on me for the next ten years." Lincoln replied which made everyone chuckle. "This is why I love you Linky." Octavia said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm surprised you so comfortable with Octavia staying with a boy in general by herself especially for two weeks." Blitz told him. "I was kinda skeptical about it at first but then I remembered that Lincoln's dick is probably the size of a Tictac mint so I ain't got much to worry about." Stolas said. "Dad what the- "Yeah that's why your daughters breathe smells so good right now." Lincoln calmly fired back at him. Everyone was in a lost of words at Lincoln's comeback. "Imma go grab my sd card I'll be right back." Lincoln said as he ran up into his moms room. "Aye. Did he just say what I think he just say!?" Moxie asked shocked. "Yo he just said that like it was nothing!" Blitz said still shocked. Loona couldn't contain her laughter. "That's my boy! I am so glad I adopted you Lincoln." She said dying on the floor. "Well played Lincoln well played." Octavia said in disbelief. "That's all you to say about that?" Stolas asked her. "Hey I mean you started it Lincoln just finished it and besides it's best I keep my mouth closed since I might be his next victim he's already made work of Blitz and his big ass forhead he's holding no punches towards anyone. And it was obviously a joke." Octavia replied laughing her butt off. "Fair point I supposed." Stolas replied with a slight chuckle. Loona's phone suddenly started to ring. "Hello?" She said trying to contain her laughter. "Please tell me Octavia and Stolas took that as a joke and are not secretly digging me a 12 foot hole for me to crawl into. I was only joking." Lincoln asked nervously. "Lincoln I assure you you have nothing to worry about. Octavia is dying on the floor laughing right now and Stolas even chuckled at your comeback you have nothing to worry about I promise you." Loona told him. "Ok." Lincoln said as he hung up the phone. Loona was soon caught off guard when he caught smell of Lincoln's scent. "Is he really in the air vents?" Loona asked aloud chuckling. Just then the air vent above Stolas opened up. "Hey can someone take my phone from me so I don't drop it getting down please?" Lincoln said dangling his arm out of the air vent with the phone Stolas took the phone and placed it on the table. "Thank you. Ow ow fucksakes." Lincoln groaned in pain as he moved his legs through the vent cover first. Being in front of him Stolas grabbed Lincoln's sides to help him down. Once Lincoln was free he was face to face with Stolas who didn't seem to happy with him. Everyone was dead silent to scared to say a thing and all Lincoln could do is nervously chuckle I hope to live to see another day. "Well played kiddo well played." Stolas said finally breaking the ice. "But if you say something like that about my daughter again I'll make sure you seize to exist." Stolas whispered into Lincoln's ear in a stern voice. "I-I'm sorry I promise I wasn't-"Oh lightened up kiddo." Stolas said cutting Lincoln off with a lighthearted chuckle before placing Lincoln down on the ground. "You're mother and the others have told me really great things about you I know you're a good kid. And I know I can trust you around my daughter." Stolas told him with a smile as he ruffled his hair. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think we should get going sir." Moxie said. "Right, I almost forgot the fridge here is full of food for you two and the two fridges in the workout room is also filled up with food. And I made sure to stock up on a bunch of cherries for you sweetheart." Stolas told Octavia. "Oh? Cherries!? Don't have to tell me twice!" She excitedly said as she bolted out of the meeting room and downstairs to fetch the food item. "She's such a cherry-holic." Stolas said chuckling. "Welp we'll see you guys soon have fun and be careful." Loona told Lincoln before hugging him. The portal opened up and the 5 demons made their way through before the portal disappeared. "Welp that was a nightmare I gotta just keep my mouth shut for now on before I become dinner for one of them." Lincoln told himself as he finished setting up his new phone.
long ah chapter I know anyways I hope ya'll enjoyed it be on the lookout for the next chapter!

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