Chapter three: "Unworthy." She Says

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(Maya's POV)

I was heading over to Rachel's house today, I was thinking about telling her about the Glitter Charm and that I'm Glitter Heart.

I reached her house and saw her shadow in the window. "Rachel!" I yelled, "Can you come out here? I have to tell you something! And I brought pretzel buns!"

"Coming!" Rachel called out her window, "Give me a second."

I set the buns on a rock fence by me. "I'm gunna tell her." I whispered.

"We can't let you do that."

"Whaaa-?!" I yelled as someone dragged me backwards, "Hey!"

"Sorry, we can't let you do that, Maya," said the familiar voice of Kippie, "it's to dangerous, no one can know about you're Glitter Heart, not even your best friend."

Kippie crossed her arms as if she was scolding me, which was kind of funny, since she was, what, one and a half feet tall.

I was used to Rachel scolding me, and she was at least an inch taller than me, and she had a motherly vibe.

"Why not?" I asked Kippie.

"Because," Kippie said matter-of-fact-ly, "it would make it not a secret identity, and no one can know your identity."


(The next day)

I was running to school because I had accidentally slept in, like always. Rachel was already there waiting for me.

At this point I'm pretty sure Rachel gets up at 4:00 AM just to be early.

I was thinking about what Kippie said earlier, 'I can't keep this big of a secret from Rachel!'

"Good morning, Maya." Rachel greeted me the same way she always did.

"Morning!" I said as I ran up to my friend.

We were lined up outside, greeting everyone, yet I couldn't help myself from wanting to tell Rachel.

"Rachel?" I whispered.


"Can I talk to you?" I asked nervous about how she would respond.

"That's why people have friends." Rachel joked.

I dragged her over to the nearest tree out of earshot from anyone. "I-" I stammered gathering my mental strength, "I'm Glitter Heart, the one who fought on Clover Tower."

"I know." Rachel replied as if it was obvious.

"W-what? How?!"

"Well," Rachel started, "when I found a first aid kit that day, I immediately came back. But you weren't there. I knew you had probably tried to fight the crab thing again-"

"Distain. I think."

"I'm going to talk to you about that later." Rachel said, "Anyways, I looked outside expecting to see you but I only say the, uh, villains? Distain... whatever that is, that purple girl-"

"I think her name was Glitter Spade."

"Don't interrupted me," said Rachel, " okay, Glitter Spade, and you. But I hadn't known exactly that it was you, I kind of assumed, but I wasn't sure, anyway later I heard you say 'how do I get my natural hair color back?!', and then I knew it was you."

"You hadn't heard me talk before?" I asked confused, I knew I talked before that. And if Rachel heard me shout from farther away, she would hear me shout closer.

"I... uh, wasn't paying attention." Rachel stammered.

I blinked. "Okay." If that's what she says I'll go with it, otherwise she probably doesn't want to talk about it.

(After class)

Rachel and I were in a empty study room that no one used. Rachel had asked to study my Glitter Charm I had shown her.

The pixies were there, too. They had gotten over me telling Rachel about my 'secret identity' awhile ago. They were saying all they knew about Glitter Charm, which wasn't much.

"Well," Rachel said closing her case, for now, "the materials in this aren't actually from this world, so I can't even figure this out."

"Huh." I muttered.

"Do you pixies know what world it's from?" Rachel asked, "Honestly I didn't even know that other worlds were a thing."

"I'm sorry but we don't actually know much about that either." Kippie said.

Kippie was floating beside Rory, who had been looking Rachel up and down and seemed to be very fond of her.

Rachel started examining Lance who had fallen asleep. "What about yourselves?" Rachel asked still looking at Lance.

"Actually we don't know much about that, either." Kippie sighed.

Someone knocked on the door and the pixies, other than Lance, fell onto the table.

A teacher walked in. "You have five minutes until school closes." He informed us, "what you doing anyways."

"Uhhh.. Studying.... Erm, stuffies!" I said the top thought off my head.

"Okay." The teacher laughed closing the door.

"Nice save, Maya!" Kippie said.


Rachel laughed as she gathered her stuff. I helped put all the science stuff back and we walked out of the room.

Me and Rachel talked the whole way to her house, we switched between walking to her house then mine every school day.

"You know, your going to have to find Rory and Lance partners if more battles are going to come." Rachel half joked.

I was telling her goodbye, when Rory spoke, "M-maybe you could be my partner!"

"Oh, that's a great idea!" I agreed.

"..." Rachel looked down.

"It's a perfect match, I'm blue, your blue!" Rory said.

"You okay Rachel?" I asked.

"Look, you're an amazing per- pixie Rory," Rachel softly smiled, "but I'm not worthy of that."

"W-what do you mean?" Rory stammered.

"I mean, I'm not the right person. I'm sorry." Rachel walked into her house and shut the door.

(Quick A/N)
Hi! I didn't expect people to read this actually, but thank you! I wrote this for fun, and I plan to continue it. I know not many people have read this, at the moment, but I would like to hear your thoughts, so please comment! I didn't know people were still into Glitter Force Doki Doki actually, so I'm happy!
Lemonn out!

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