Chpt 8:"Of Course I'll be Your Friend!"

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(Davi's POV)

"Your next shoot is supposed to be at the Pig's Tail." I was saying to Mackenzie.

"Pig's tail?"

"That restaurant down the road near the beach."

"Oh! Wasn't that the place that uhh... Whats her name?- Oh, Maya! Isn't that we're she lives?" Mackenzie asked.

"Clara told you that?" I asked.

"Yeah! She said if we're all gunna be friends, we might as well know each others' address."

"So, she is your friend."

"I-... I guess. I don't know."

"I think she would be a great friend." I said.


(Time skip to the restaurant, 'cause I'm tired of writing this conversation😩)

(Mackenzie's POV)

They kept having to retake the shoot because I was messing all the scenes up.

I'm not meant to bake or cook! I screamed in my head.

Davi would never let me say that out loud, though.

It's not my fault that baking not my talent, no matter how fun it is.

Then I'll just have to try harder. I smiled to myself.

I tried to crack an egg again, but somehow I still messed that up.

"Take five!" The producer facepalmed himself.

"Sorry!" I mumbled.

Davi walked up to me as I was washing my hands.

"Mr. Aida said that his daughter came with her friends, do you perhaps want to say hi?" Davi asked.

"That sounds nice!"

"What's going on here?" I heard the familiar bubbly voice in another room.

I followed Davi until I saw Maya with Clara and Rachel behind her.

"Clara!" I said running over to give her a hug.

"Oh, hello!"  Clara said hugging me back.

"Mackenzie Mack!? In my house?! O.M.G!" Maya squealed.

"Hey, Maya! Nice to see you again!" I said hugging her as well.

"My idol just hugged me... and remembered my name!" Maya said dramatically fainting on the floor.

I winced as she fell hard on her back and Rachel went to help her up.

"You know, you're friends with another celebrity, but I think you take that for granted." Rachel told her as Maya got up.

"Anyways, what are you here for, Mackenzie?" Clara asked.

"We're  filming a baking shoot, but I keep messing up..." I said.

"Oh! We could help you! I mean- do you want us to help you? Eee- imagine me helping my idol!!" Maya said the last part mostly to Rachel, who just smiled and shook her head.

"That would be nice." I replied.

"Eeeee!" Maya squealed, "I'm gunna help my idol!"

(Another time skip, sorry! WhEn ThEy FiNiShEd MaKiNg ThE x-TrA lArGe OmElEtTe.-)

"Wow!" Maya said, "It's so big!"

"That means more for all of you!" Mr. Aida said.

We started eating the omelette that Maya and her friends helped me make.

I could say it was pretty good. I didn't even know I was capable of that!


I looked over to see Ira with a pig Distain ruining the kitchen.

Really?! Now?!

I sighed, ready to transform, even if Maya, Clara, and Rachel found out, as the customers, Mr. and Mrs. Aida, the other Mr. Aida- Maya's grandpa?- ran out and Clara's assistant, Sebastian, took Maya, Clara, and Rachel to another room- wait what?!

I hid under the table as I heard Ira yelling at his Distain.

I also heard Mr. Aida run in and yell for Maya, to which Sebastian told him they were safe.

I rolled out from under the table and saw Davi in her pixie form.

"Davi!" I yelled readying my transformation.

I finished my transformation with my normal catchphrase, "The Blade of Courage, I'm Glitter Spade!"

And heard Maya gasp in from the side of the room.

I looked at her and was to explain when Ira's pig Distain crashed into the wall next to me.

"Are you an idiot?!" Ira shouted at the Distain.

"Are you an idiot, because we were kinda busy?!" I shot back him.

"It's not my fault that Bel and Marmo make me do all their dirty work!" Ira yelled.

I noticed  he had picked up an apple from the counter.

"I didn't realize villains ate healthy food." I smirked at him.

Ira blinked at me. "So?"


"You realize your Distain doing nothing." I said.

"Whatever. That his problem if he wants to die." Ira said eating the apple.

"You really don't care?" Clar- Glitter Clover asked.

"Meh. What's the point." Ira said looking depressed.

"I'm gunna get you therapy." Glitter Diamond said.

"Ew! No!" Ira yelled.

"Hey guys! The Distain's gone!" Glitter Heart yelled.

"Finally! I wanted to take a nap!" Ira said disappearing.

I de-transformed with the other girls and Maya ran up to me.

"So are we friends now? Are you on our team?" Maya asked.

"Of course I'll be your friend!" I said hugging her. 


"What a lovely happily ever after, though I'm afraid I'll have to end it."

I looked over to see Bel on the other side of the room, his fingers about to snap.

"You!" I glared at him.

Bel snapped his fingers and laughed as the other girls and I fell into a dark hole.

Sorry for the short chapter😅
Thanks for reading!

Lemonn out!

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