Chapter six: Four Leaf Clover

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(Third person POV, because I couldn't think who's POV to go with.)

Maya and Rachel had gone home after the tea party with Clara.

Lance had been asking Rachel and Maya about why Clara refused to fight.

"I just don't understand." Lance had said after explaining the situation to them.

"Well, uhm." Maya said scratching her head.

"She used to do martial arts, but one day she stopped." Rachel explained.

"Why?" Lance asked.

"Do you want to explain, Maya, or should I?" Rachel turned to Maya.

"You're better at stories."

"Okay, where do I start?- Well, almost nine years ago, Clara had gone to the same school as Maya and I. And one day some boys, about two years older than us, decided to bully us.
"They had taken Clara's folder and called Maya  and I names, Clara hadn't been so mad at them teasing us, but when they were physically hurting Maya and I, she was ticked off.
"She and Maya managed to tell them off, but later they came back with their older brother, and continued bullying us. Eventually, Clara got really mad about this and beat them up.
"They got so scared of her that she felt so bad and vowed to never fight again." Rachel said in what sounded like one breath.

"Whoa..." Lance sounded awestruck.

"Rachel did you say that all in one breath?" Rory asked.

"No, why?"

"It sounded like you did."


"She knew martial arts?" Lance asked.

"Yes, and she still does. She practices it, but doesn't use it to fight." Rachel said.

"Though, she a great fighter." Maya said.

"Yeah, it's a pity she stopped." Rachel said.

"Rachel!" Maya sounded shocked.


"It should be good she stopped, not a pity!"

"Look I was, like, six watching my one of my best friends beat up some seven and eight year olds," Rachel said, "it was absolutely amazing. Hey, Maya we're at your house."

"Oh! I didn't know we had gotten here already, dangit." Maya said, "Bye!! Love you guys! See you tomorrow~"

"Good night!"

"See yah!"

(ThE nExT dAy~~)


*Maya joined chat*

Maya: #######

*Rachel joined chat*

Maya: ########

Maya: RACHEL!!!**

Maya: oh my gosh finally😤

Rachel: Yes, Maya?

Maya: autocorrect sucks

Rachel: That's common logic, Maya. What do you want to talk about?

Maya: Clara should be a ###############


Maya: glitter**

Maya: worrior**

Rachel: That's also common logic.

Maya: I know but how do we make her one?

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