Chapter 1: Reminiscing the Past

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September 30, 2023 

Greed has taken hold of me, and it's turned my world upside down. This whirlwind of chaos has left me questioning my sanity. I can't deny that I feel like I'm on the edge of losing it all.

The pain is excruciating, as if my heart might burst at any moment. Everything is unfolding so rapidly, and I can't help but ponder where I veered off course. Is it my fate to be stuck in this never-ending cycle of misfortune? Can anyone extend a lifeline? This pressure is crushing me.

I yearn for control over my life—the chance to not just exist but to thrive. My deepest desire is to keep living, to endure, and to flourish. Could I dare to dream of a miracle to lift me from this abyss? The enigmatic forces at play seem to be testing the limits of my belief, challenging me to uncover the extraordinary hidden within the ordinary. 

It doesn't feel like reality. The momentum of every situation is too overwhelming. Was my life in the past enjoyable, whereas I am suffering now? At least give me the life I deserve. Something must be done, or I'll suffer. Me, myself, and I (it has always been myself). Everyone takes everything for granted (I despise them. No, I despise myself). All of them don't deserve to live.
Lost in emotion, drunk by vengeance. Lust for power, chaos, and order. Along with the shore of blood be engulfed by it. Loathing in the darkness who lurks in the shadow. Omit yourself and accept thy fate. Never escape it and take it all. Gruesome as it is, it is what it is.

Back to the present

January 30, 2022

I'm Ben Tamba, and at 18, I'm living life to the fullest. These past 18 years have been quite a ride, especially when you think about the fact that there are over a billion people sharing this planet with me. It's a staggering number, and it makes me wonder if, among all those faces, there's someone out there meant just for me.

You see, I have this nagging feeling deep down that I can't shake. I'm afraid of ending up alone or missing out on that special connection with someone who could make life even more remarkable.

Sometimes, I can't help but drift into daydreams where I'm the protagonist in my own fairy tale. Picture it: me, a modern-day Disney princess, patiently awaiting my Prince Charming to come and whisk me away on an adventure of a lifetime. Sure, it might sound a tad whimsical, but who can resist the allure of a classic love story?

Now, here's the twist: I'm a hopeless romantic, but I've also got a bit of a cheeky, self-loving side. It's like I'm caught in a tug-of-war between wanting someone to adore me and having a soft spot for my own reflection. It's all a bit dramatic, and my ego occasionally gets the best of me.

But here's the beauty of it all: life's a journey, and I'm still learning the ropes. Love, self-discovery, and all the ups and downs in between—it's a wild rollercoaster, and I'm fully committed to enjoying every twist and turn. So, here's to the future, to the love stories yet to be written, and to finding the balance between self-appreciation and the magic of connection.

 I don't know why things like this feel like they already happened to me a long time ago.
It feels like I am reenacting the words I utter and reminiscing about the past that I have experienced.
Like somewhere along the lines, everything is familiar but, at the same time, it is not. I guess I am just thinking dumbfoundedly.

So, here I am, just chilling in school, killing time because, well, it's kind of boring right now. We're at the tail end of this semester, and the teachers are off somewhere doing their grade thing, while we students are basically crossing our fingers, hoping for some magical grade boost.

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