Chapter 4: Marion

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(A quick story of Marion)
The "him" person to whom I and Liz were referring is Marion B. Horbon.

Marion Horbon, 18 years old, is single but secretly likes Liz (not sure, but it is what I observed in him).
We are also the same in height, which is around 5'11. He looks good too and is also popular, just as Liz is.
He excels in his program, which is in the field of elementary education.
(I forgot to tell you that me and Liz are in secondary education, majoring in science.)
He is artistic and has a golden voice.
Yes, he joins singing competitions and has won many awards. Pretty talented, right?
So how did Liz and Marion become friends?
If you ask me, the only thing that I know is that Marion was in a secondary education program.
but shifts because he feels that he wants to teach kids rather than teenagers. He made a decision that is fitting for him, as he is now doing better.
I also heard that Ben—not me, but the other Ben, who is also in elementary education.
So, to sum it up, Marion and Ben, and then Liz and Ben, which is me,
Despite it, the three of us remained close to each other except for Ben because he was hospitalized.
I did not get to know him better. But I will, once he gets better.
But for some reason, Marion hates me. When I am with him, he doesn't even talk to me, not even a single word.
He is just silent and snobs me almost all the time.
She mostly talks a lot with Liz, and he seems to be happy when they are together.
I kind of feel like a ghost in his presence, which is why there are times that I just distance myself from him.
There was a time when Liz introduced me to him, and he just waved and said hi to me, and then the next boom was just like that.
But despite all of that, it doesn't matter to me because Liz once talked to him about why he was treating me like that. And Marion said, "I don't hate him; it's just that I don't know how to put up a word for him."
So, I assume he is just shy around me.
And with that, I casually talk to him, even if he only nods or agrees with me.
Liz will sometimes be mad at him if he doesn't say something, so he always replies to me, yes, Ben, I agree with you, or Ben, you are right.
We have a good relationship, right? I do like him as a friend, so I just let it go. After all, we three have always been together. He is cheerful, laughs, and jokes casually.
He sings when I and Liz are sad. He cheers Liz when she is down, and he sings for me when I am not doing well. His smile and aura balance our group.

And for almost 5 months, Marion has been always taking care of their friend, who was in a coma due to the said torture incident.
So most of the time, we are not complete. But I don't mind it as long as he is safe and doing fine. He is taking care of Benny, so I guess that's what matters most.
We are not even friends on any social media platform, so I cannot contact him and ask him if he is fine or doing well. I just ask Liz for updates most of the time.
I don't have the right to intervene with them, so I don't comment on things like this. I pretend that I don't hear or know anything.

But as weeks went by and Marion kept looking after Benny, a sense of mystery started surrounding the situation. Although I tried my best to give Marion his space, I noticed he was acting a bit differently. He never even once visited us, just like disappearing in some sort of void. We never saw his face after what happened to their other friend. 

Sometimes, with my curiosity, I sneak out late at night when the hospital is quiet. I am intrigued to see the other Ben they are referring to. But, to my surprise, I once saw him talking quietly to a "man" in a dark shadow, which seemed odd for a hospital setting.

As Marion descended the dimly lit stairs, he entered a hidden room that I had never known about in the hospital. The mystery deepened, and the excitement and suspense grew every day. I realized I had stumbled upon something important, something that might hold the answers to what had happened to Benny. But I also knew that finding the truth would be tricky, shrouded in secrecy and shadows. It's just that I am doubting whether that "Ben" really existed or just a made-up person. 

But I know Marion is kind-hearted, but that changed when the incident happened. He seemed gloomy and depressed. I don't have the words or courage to cheer him up.
I might be just a burden to him, so I just ask Liz to stay with him. I don't want to cause any trouble so I might not get too much into it.

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