Chapter 9: Again?

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I was scrolling through my phone for what felt like ages, and my body was just plain tired. It seemed like every muscle and joint in my body was aching, so I decided to lie down for a bit, hoping for some relief.

I couldn't stop yawning, and I lost count of how many times I did it. I kept scrolling on my phone, but my eyes were so heavy, and everything around me seemed less and less important. Eventually, I dozed off, and my phone slipped from my hand without me even realizing it.

While I was asleep, my phone got a really scary message. It talked about another person who was hurt and killed. The victim was a student from some university, but they didn't say which one. The report was super disturbing, saying the victim had big bruises, broken bones, and a shocking 30 stab wounds. They also mentioned the victim was studying secondary education. The police were looking for the person who did it.

I suddenly woke up, feeling all mixed up. I accidentally hit my head on the bunk bed, and it hurt a lot. I lay back down for a minute, trying to make the pain go away.

After a bit, I mustered the energy to grab my phone. I unlocked it and saw the first message—scary news about the person who got hurt and killed.

I received a disturbing notification on my phone that revealed a fellow student from our university had met a gruesome end in an apartment at around 5:40 p.m. The details were gruesome: the victim had sustained severe injuries, including numerous bruises, multiple fractures, and a horrifying 30 stab wounds. The report identified the victim as a student in the secondary education program, which struck a chord with me as it was someone I might know. I couldn't help but panic, unable to believe the shocking news.

I checked the time of death and realized it was 5:40 pm, the exact moment I was on my way back to my apartment. I am glad that I made it to the home safely. The unsettling thought weighed on me: had this really happened to my classmate? Could the horrific news be true?

Then, a troubling thought crossed my mind. In a dream I'd had, I witnessed someone's death, and it made me question whether it was my classmate all along. I berated myself for not recalling such a critical detail. If only I'd remembered, perhaps I could have done something to prevent this tragedy. I needed to collect my thoughts.

The mood of the situation soon became apparent. This incident had taken place near my apartment, and I felt a surge of panic. My heart raced, and I was overwhelmed by anxiety, as if the walls were closing in on me, making it hard to breathe.

My mind was swarmed with doubt. Who should I call? Should I reach out to Liz? My mom? The police? I was terrified and confused. I checked the time again; it was now 9:20 p.m. I had slept for several hours, and my heart pounded in my chest. I prayed for guidance, seeking solace to face my overwhelming fear.

I hurried to check my door, my heart pounding even faster and a cold sweat breaking out. I had locked it before leaving, but to my shock, I found it wide and completely open. My inner voice screamed in terror. Why was my door open? I'd been sure I'd locked it securely. I quickly secured the door and examined it closely, looking for any signs of forced entry, but I found none. I couldn't shake the feeling that my mind was playing tricks on me.

Then I heard a faint noise coming from my bathroom, like someone was washing up. My fear intensified, and my thoughts raced as I tried to understand the inexplicable. I was teetering on the edge of a horrifying discovery, and my instincts urged me to proceed with caution.

It's 9:25 p.m., and a strange presence fills my apartment. I can hear someone in the bathroom, and my heart races with anxiety. I wonder who this person is. To my horror, that person is singing in an eerie manner—it's unsettling, like some sort of ritual. This person is giving me the creeps.

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