Chapter 6: Deja vu

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Just stop, stop, stop. Just fucking stop!!!

"Hey, Ben, could you please cut it out? You're seriously freaking me out here," I say, giving him a concerned look.

But Ben just keeps at it, like he's on a mission to give me the biggest headache of my life. I can't help but think, "Is this much drama really necessary for someone as pretty as me?"

He's muttering to himself and occasionally banging his head on the desk. I can't help but wonder, "Is he losing it right here, right now?"

I'm practically pleading with him at this point: "Come on, Ben, don't start with this today. I just want to have some fun, and you're about to ruin it for me. I'm warning you."

"Oops, my bad, Liz," I sheepishly admit, realizing I might've gone too far with my antics.

Liz playfully teases, "No need to state the obvious, Mr. Ben Arthur Tamba."

We both share a laugh, and I nod. "Yeah, my bad. I just couldn't resist blurting out all that random stuff." (Wait what? That can't be happening to me. I exactly know this scene, and this was the time where we are in the classroom with Liz)

Curious, Liz leans in and asks, "So, what's been occupying that brain of yours, Ben? Does your full name really give you the creeps?"

I chuckle and reply, "You bet! Just hearing my full name sends a shiver down my spine." 

"But seriously," I continue, "I've been thinking about some things lately, but it's like I'm searching for a missing puzzle piece in the dark. It felt like this already happened to me for a while.

I pause, gathering my thoughts, and say, "It's like this dream popping up in my mind, playing hide-and-seek. They're familiar, yet I can't quite grasp them. It's driving me a bit nuts, Liz." 

Hey, stop it, Ben; you are just stressed out. Do not think too much, okay? I know, and I am trying.
You are doing better, and you will do your best in the future.

Thanks, I guess, for your words of wisdom, Mademoiselle. That comforts my inner peace.

Oh, stop it Ben. I might fall for you for real.

Oh, I want to puke, you bastard. Hahahaha, just kidding.

The difference between what's real and what's in my dreams became blurry, and I felt lost in the unknown. Was it a dream, or maybe déjà vu? I couldn't find my balance as my mind raced. If it was just a dream, should I take it as a sign to stay away from home? But I knew I shouldn't jump to conclusions so quickly.

I felt the need to excuse myself, telling Liz I had to use the restroom. But my real intention was to take a moment to calm my nerves. The situation was so unusual that it felt like something out of a sci-fi story. If it wasn't my imagination playing tricks, it was definitely the first time I'd ever faced something like this.

Stepping into the restroom, the bright fluorescent lights gave it a slightly eerie feeling. It was my escape, a place to gather my thoughts and try to make sense of it all.

The bathroom was spotless, with gleaming white tiles and a faint scent of clean soap in the air. It felt like the perfect place for a moment of reflection. I stood by the cold sink, staring at myself in the mirror, my eyes filled with a mix of confusion and worry. I was searching for answers within myself.

Time seemed to crawl as I tried to process everything. It felt like reality had taken a strange twist, and I was left grappling with something that made no sense. I ran through every possibility in my mind, each one more bizarre than the last. Was it a prank, a hidden camera show, or something even more extraordinary?

I splashed some cool water on my face, hoping it would snap me back to reality. It was refreshing, but it didn't erase the vivid memories of the strange events. They played over and over in my mind, refusing to be dismissed as mere illusions.

Doubts and fears swirled around me, making it hard to calm down. I whispered to myself, "Hold on, Ben. Don't panic. You're just tired. Take a deep breath and relax." My own words were my lifeline, helping me find some peace in the midst of all this confusion.

But that fear wouldn't let go. What if the dream was trying to tell me something about the future? What if I was in danger, just like the person in my dream? These questions wouldn't leave me alone, and I didn't have any answers.

Trying to make sense of it, I reminded myself that it was just a dream, a mix of thoughts and memories. Dreams don't predict the future. I told myself not to let my imagination control my decisions.

I remembered a movie, "Final Destination," and it sent a shiver down my spine. The main character had a vision of a disaster and narrowly escaped it, but then death seemed to come after them. It was a scary thought, but I knew it was just a movie. It wasn't real, and I shouldn't compare it to my life.

While I was thinking about all of this, exhaustion washed over me. I wasn't just physically tired; it was a deeper kind of tired, like my soul was drained. But what was I tired of? I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it felt heavy.

I couldn't help but let out a frustrated cry. The uncertainty and the feeling that something bad might happen were really getting to me. I felt like I was caught in a whirlwind of emotions, struggling to find solid ground in a world where the line between dreams and reality was hazy.

So, there I stood on the edge of the unknown, trying to figure out if it was a dream, a message, or just my tired mind playing tricks on me. The answers weren't clear, and I had to find a way to make sense of this confusing dance between what's real and what's in my head.

Returning to the conversation outside, I was still struggling to accept that what I had experienced was real. It was a strange and unsettling feeling, as if the rules of what I thought were possible had been rewritten. I wished for a simple, logical explanation to bring me back to the familiar, but instead, I was left with a sense of uncertainty and the unknown.

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