Chapter 11: Happened many times?

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As I ventured towards the mini-forest, a swirl of thoughts enveloped me. Was it all a product of my imagination? That figure I glimpsed—it was "that person," wasn't it? The certainty of it nagged at me, and I couldn't shake off the peculiar feeling. Lost in contemplation, I failed to notice someone calling my name.

"Ben, Ben, Ben, BENNNNNNN!!!!"

I snapped back to reality. "What? Hey Liz, you startled me."

"Oh, you will be, Ben. I've been calling your name multiple times. You're right in front of me; how couldn't you hear me?" she teased. "Is it really that serious that you can't even notice things?"

Are you okay, Ben? "

"Yes, yes, I am fine. It's just that. Just what?" she inquired.

"I am thinking too much, Liz."

"Right, I guess so. So what do you want to talk about with me, Ben?"

"Liz, I need you to listen to me. You might not believe me, but I need you to believe me. I need someone, specifically you. It might be impossible, but I can assure you it is real, and I am not making up anything."

"What's with that, Ben? Just tell me straight to the point."

"I believe in you, no matter what you say."

Liz's eyes bore into mine, waiting for an explanation. "This has happened to me many times."

"Has it happened many times?"

"Yes, this place, the way we are, even in the classroom, I already know what will happen. This is the second time that it happened to me. I thought everything was just some sort of dream, but then it happened again. 

I don't know what to do. I am freaking out. It feels like I am going crazy. I don't know how to explain it. I can't put up a word to accurately discuss the thing that I am experiencing. 

One thing that I am sure of is that I have already experienced this. I can even tell you what will happen. You will ask me out to go to the mall, right?"

"You said that so that I could be free from stress. How did you know?"

I halted her and continued speaking, "There is a change of scenario, but you're going to tell me that you have seen a handsome fella, right? There might be slight changes, but I know you did see someone."

Liz was speechless. "Hey Liz, are you listening?"

"Ben, how did you know? I was supposed to surprise you with that. That's what I've been trying to tell you. I have already been to this timeline. It might not sound real, but I am telling you it is all true. I am still confused, but I am getting the hang of it. So what do you think is the reason why you kept coming back to this time?" she said.

"That's what I've been trying to figure out, but I don't have any clue. Not even a bit. I don't know where to begin. Even I am still in a daze about all of it. It feels like I am facing a dilemma with no solution. Even science might not be able to explain this phenomenon. It is too impossible. Am I in a drama? Because if I am, they should cut it off now." I laughed sarcastically. "This will at least lighten up the mood."

Liz frowned slightly at my laughter. "The way you laugh, Ben, is too creepy. Stop with it; I don't like it."

"Is it really that bad, Liz? On a scale of 1-10, how creepy is it?"

"Ben, cut it off. You don't have to joke with me if you are really not okay. Just be your usual self and don't worry too much. I am always here with you."

Her words resonated, and a wave of gratitude washed over me. "That hit me hard. It was my first time hearing Liz say that word. It felt different coming from her." I decided to lighten the mood. "So, I jokingly said, 'Oh, the great Liz is back in action again. A perfect score for you, Mademoiselle.'"

She patted my shoulder lightly, and a subtle smile graced her lips. "I thank you, God, for having Liz as my friend."

Our time passed in genuine conversation, temporarily casting aside the weight of our concerns. The comfort of having someone dependable by your side was truly profound. The laughter and shared moments served as a soothing balm, alleviating the tumult within me. After our extended talk, a sudden realization struck me: the impending night.

"Hey Liz, can I ask a favor? Can I stay at your apartment, just for this night? Based on my dreams, I don't even know if it is a dream. But someone will come for me during nighttime. I will be freaking killed. Just remembering it makes my body shiver. I can still feel the pain, all the stabs and beatings. But I don't have to worry; I don't have time to be scared. Someone might be killed during that time too. It is our classmate, but as of now, I don't care for them. I need to prioritize myself first. I need to figure out ahead of time. That was a selfish action, but I need to figure out something, at least a clue or a hint that can guide me."

"But my apartment is a mess," she said.

"Then we'll clean it. I don't have any problem cleaning it."

She agreed, and Liz said, "It is better that you stay with me for a while. With that, I can protect you."

"I don't need your protection, Liz. HAHAHA. Just let me stay at your place. You don't have to do anything."

I stared at her, and she was resolute. "Liz, you don't have to be that heated up. Just calm down. Hahaha; you are exaggerating things. I think I am safe as of the moment. I am not going home today. I guess that will do."

"I know, but still, I need to keep an eye on you. Don't you realize that the killer might be here and watching you now?" she said.

"Whoa, that instantly clicked my senses as Liz mentioned that. I watched and observed the people around me. They don't seem to be hostile towards me. I kept on looking back because who knows someone might stab me in the back? Me being paranoid is just me being myself. There's no way someone gets to kill me, Liz, in broad daylight. And if there really is, I can report to the school's dean and expel that bastard."

"I know that, but the problem here is if that killer will watch you around and follow you all the way home," she said.

That escalated quickly.

Sometimes Liz surprises me. I am aware that she is smart, but it exceeds my expectations. She is growing, and she grows more. Every time I am with her, I always witness something.

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