Chapter 3: HIM?

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As we entered the mall, the cool air conditioning provided a welcome escape from the scorching summer heat. The place was buzzing with activity, and the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making our mouths water. I couldn't help but notice the framed photos on the mall, capturing moments of laughter and camaraderie among friends and family. It made me reflect on the bonds we build and how fragile they can be, especially when life takes unexpected turns.

In the cozy corner of our favorite café, bathed in the soft, amber glow of overhead lights, Liz's unexpected confession hung in the air like a drawing secret. With a contemplative look in her eyes, she suddenly broke the silence, her voice filled with longing: "I miss him."

I leaned in, and my curiosity instantly piqued. "Him? Who are you talking about?"

Liz replied with a touch of mystery, "Yes, him. That 'person'."

I arched an eyebrow, my intrigue deepening, but I decided not to press her further. "Well, it's a good thing that the two of us are here," I offered, hoping to divert the conversation.

However, Liz's playful smile returned, and she teased, "Ben, I'm just having some fun. Of course, I miss him, but it's more than just missing; it's an ache that goes far beyond. It would be simply wonderful if the four of us could reunite."

I corrected her gently: "Three, not four."

She fell silent, her anxiety palpable like a subtle current beneath the surface.

"The mood isn't the same without his presence," Liz admitted, her eyes shimmering with emotion.

I nodded in empathy, attempting to console her. "I understand, Liz, but what can we do? Your other friend is currently hospitalized, and he desperately needs someone to care for him. There's no one else around. It's just a matter of enduring one more day, and then you'll be able to see him."

Liz acknowledged my words with a nod and continued to sip her milkshake, lost in thought. "I can't say that I've missed him," I added, "but the situation isn't favorable for him right now."

As our conversation settled into contemplative silence, the weight of Liz's longing and concern seemed to hang heavy in the air. It created a poignant view, a snapshot of emotions and friendship that resonated deeply in the hearts of those who happened to observe it in that quiet corner of the café.

In the midst of sipping our café lattes, my mind wandered to the commendable act of our friend stepping up to take care of their injured buddy. But, let's be honest, curiosity can be a pesky little critter. I couldn't help but wonder how their other buddy ended up in such a battered state—I'm talking about a body looking like it had been through the wringer, sporting more bruises and fractures than a daredevil acrobat.

Now, Liz, she's a real pro at dodging the tough stuff. Maybe she's worried that diving into the nitty-gritty would set off a waterfall of tears. She always keeps her struggles hidden behind a smile that could even rival a famous painting.

Liz, you see, has this knack for putting on a brave face, even when life throws some major curveballs her way. And, believe me, it's thrown a few. But I knew it wasn't my place to give her a pep talk. Sometimes, the best medicine for wounds is just time passing by.

I couldn't help but feel for her, given what our friend had been through. Lost in thought, I muttered something to myself. Liz, with her superhuman hearing, shot me a puzzled look. "What's that you're saying, Ben? I can't quite make it out."

Clearing my throat, I decided to spill the beans. "Well, I was just thinking... maybe we should skip class today."

Her eyes widened in surprise, and I quickly reassured her, "I mean, don't worry, I'm not actually suggesting we do it."

The tension in the air was thicker than a cafe's latte, but all I wanted was to toss Liz a lifeline, even if just for a moment, to ease her load.

Honestly, I don't have much information about their other friend. All I know is his name: Ben Arthur. It's a bit of a weird twist because, well, I'm Ben too. Yeah, it does create a bit of an inner conflict, but we're making it work. Maybe it's a good thing that I'm here – I can fill in temporarily, right? We even kind of look alike based on the pictures, like we could be long-lost twins separated at birth. Pretty uncanny, isn't it? But who cares about that? What matters is that I've found new friends who accept me for who I am.

Still, the mystery of what happened to their friend sends shivers down my spine. It's a story I'm eager, yet apprehensive, to uncover.

Liz interrupted my thoughts, saying, "Ben, let's head to the restroom for a moment. I need to freshen up and do a quick touch-up."

"Sure," I replied. "I just need to toss this plastic bottle in the trash."

Liz asked, "Can you throw mine in there too?"

I nodded and disposed of her plastic bottle as well.

In the restroom, I took the opportunity to wash my hands and quickly checked my reflection in the mirror, making sure I still looked presentable.

After splashing some water on my face and feeling a bit more awake, I turned to Liz. She was doing her makeup like a pro.

"Hey, Liz," I started, "this whole 'Ben Arthur' thing still blows my mind. It's like we're living in a real-life weird movie."

Liz chuckled, her lipstick brush mid-air. "I know, right? It's super strange, but we've got you, honorary Ben!"

I grinned back. "I'm just glad to be here with you all. I'm sure the other Ben would be happy with how you're handling things."

Liz's smile dimmed a bit. "I hope so. We've had some wild times together."

We left the restroom, and Liz began sharing fun stories about their adventures and the good times they'd had with their missing friend.

Walking back to our table, I felt even closer to Liz and the group. 

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