Chapter 10: Y-y-y-you a-a-a-are...?

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"In that dim room, there was a story of survival and choices. It was a reminder that even in tough times, people can find their strength. But it also showed that choices can have big consequences, leaving a lot of sadness behind."

"Just stop, stop. Just stop, stop, stop." Ben grasped his head again, as if in extreme pain. The room felt suffocating, and the air was thick with tension.

"Hey, Ben, can you please stop that? You're scaring me."

"Oh gosh, this boy is about to give me a headache. Too much for someone as pretty as me. You keep on murmuring and banging your head. Are you going insane right here and right now? Don't start with me today; I just want to have fun. Don't ruin it, Ben, I swear to you."

"Sorry, sorry, Liz. I went overboard." (Again? It happened again. What the hell is going on here?)

I know it damn well because I have eyes, you dumbass," she responded, her eyes revealing a mix of concern and frustration.

I shouted with confusion, which startled Liz and my other classmates. "What are you even thinking in the first place, Mr. Ben Arthur Tamba?" she added, her voice a mixture of annoyance and worry.

"Liz, I need to say something to you. I need your help," I said out of desperation, the words tumbling out of my mouth.

"Helped? Just shut your mouth and listen to me," I unconsciously shouted at her, the pressure building up in the room.

"Hey, Ben, what's happening to you? And excuse me? That is the first time you ever said that, and really to me?"

I screamed, and things around me were in a mess. I even slammed the table out of fear and confusion. My hands were shaking, and my limbs were numbing.

"Are you fine? Because you're really pale," she said, concern etched across her face.

"Liz, sorry, I need to get out of here." I ran with no reason. All I know now is that I am scared. This is the second time it has happened to me. Is there something wrong with me? What now? Is this also a dream? Am I going to die again?

I kept on running but stopped on the second floor. The hallway, usually bustling with students, was now eerily quiet, and the only sound was the echo of my hurried footsteps. The walls seemed to close in on me, and I leaned against a row of lockers, desperately trying to catch my breath. Tears streamed down my face, a mix of frustration and fear.

As I stood there, feeling lost and overwhelmed, I noticed a flickering light at the end of the corridor. It was an old notice board covered in faded posters. My blurry eyes focused on a quote that read, "Sometimes, the hardest part isn't letting go but learning to start over." The words hit me, resonating with the chaos in my mind.

My heart continued to throb, but now it was as if the quote had unlocked a moment of clarity. I questioned the strange occurrences, wondering if they were a message or a test. A soft voice broke through my thoughts: "Ben, Ben, Ben." It was Liz. She had followed me, concern etched on her face.

She hugged me, and in that embrace, it felt like a reset button was pressed. Liz's presence grounded me, and she, too, was caught in the cascade of emotions. Together, we navigated the uncertain terrain of our feelings, leaning on each other for support. The flickering light on the notice board seemed to symbolize not just an end but also the promise of a new beginning. In that moment, surrounded by the remnants of forgotten announcements, the two of us found strength in each other's vulnerability, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Ben, what's wrong?" she said. In response, I said, "Liz, something is wrong with me." She shouted at me and said, "If you have a problem, just say it to me. We are friends, right? If you need me, I will listen to you, all ears. That's what friends are supposed to do, right?" She hugged me tightly as if she were also in pain, and for a moment, the chaotic world around us faded away.

I didn't realize that other students were eyeing us, and it felt like they were weirded out. I tapped Liz and said, "Liz, I think we should get out of here. The students are watching us." She stopped hugging me, and we stood up together.

Taking a breather, Liz asked, "So, Ben, what's the plan? Need a chill spot?" I nodded, grateful for her presence. We found this quiet nook in the hallway, away from the buzz of passing students. Liz leaned on the wall, looking at me like she was waiting for the lowdown on what was messing with my head.

The hallway turned out to be a sweet escape, a place where Liz and I could just vibe without the world's drama. The distant chatter of students turned into background noise, overshadowed by the simple connection we shared as friends.

So, Liz said, "Let's go to the mini-forest and talk there." I just nodded to her and followed her to where we were going.

But before that, I told her that she could go first to the forest. "Let's just meet there. Just call my name if ever you see me walking," I said to her. With no hesitation, she went there first.

As for me, this time I should meet that "man" in the hoodie, right? I need to see him and confirm whether he is the killer or not. I waited for almost 5 minutes, and things were going in motion exactly as I had seen that "man". I ran to that person immediately and grabbed his hand to follow me. I did it to avoid commotion and conflict in public. He didn't try to escape or resist. He instantly trusted me, as if he knew me. We went to the abandoned classroom and stopped there.

He suddenly said, "What is your problem?" I shouted at him, "I should ask you that! What is your problem with me? You know me, right? Or should I say, we've already met a few times? You intend to kill me, right?"

I could see that he was confused. He said, "What? Why would I kill you?" I stopped him and said, "You should answer that yourself. If I said or did something to you, then I apologize. Just please stop targeting me. What do you really want from me? Who are you? Remove that hoodie and let me see who the hell you are. Don't think of escaping or doing something. I am crazy, and I might even kill you now." I questioned him many times, but he couldn't even budge a word.

"Will you stop for a minute, Ben? I don't know what happened, but I should ask you the same. Why are you here? You shouldn't be here." He removed his hoodie, and to my surprise, I was not just surprised but totally flabbergasted. I stuttered and had a shaky voice. "Y-y-y-you a-a-a-are...? You are the "person" behind that hoodie? Wait, how is that possible?"

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