AvM. You are not annoying :). (Blue x Yellow )

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Not that much drama there, but most of it will be discussion. A bit swearing (one time).You need to read ALL to understand. Ok? Ok.

If you want to skip this part, youll better not read anymore. This is the most important part.

TSC, Yellow, Green and Red were about to start watch something from Alan's family moments folder, on their sofa. Red was looking for some old things, something intresting, like a bike ride or a car accident.

Red: Gosh, nothing cool there.. he whispered.
Green: hey, over there! The first steps! Lets watch it!
Red: nah, it looks boring.
Yellow: i agree with it, I think it would be cool!
Red: nahh, some Alan's kid walking around and-
Green: what if he will break a bone?
TSC: ...
Yellow: ...
Red: ... that... t-that... WHOULD BE GREAT!
Yellow: :O
Green: Alright! Then let's fiind out!

They sat down on the sofa so Red played on the video. There didn't even pass like 3 seconds and Yellow wake up and pause the video.
Yellow: yo, guys, where is Blue?
Green: i dont know.
Red: he said to hold on for him. He's making some snacks. I totally forgot. BTW, he's so silent, why so?
TSC: i really don't know..
Green: he's so quiet, if Yellow didn't said that he's not there, i wouldn't notice that he is not there. In the first, he was so active, but recently, he stopped being like this. I liked him in that way, he was funny and nice, now he's silent, and shy to talk, is like is sad or something..
Red:beep boop ''doing some robot's sounds'', O-M-G, A-I-N-T W-A-Y, >G-O-I-N-G F-R-O-M E-X-T-R-O-V-E-R-T T-O I-T-R-O-V-E-R-T< beep boop ''more robot sounds'' >E-X-P-E-R-I-M-E-N-T C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-D! H-E-R-E: B-L-U-E I-S N-O-W I-N-T-R-O-V-E-R-T!< "stops the robot voice" experiment unsuccessful. Combination not really good.
Everyone starts laughing so bad
Red: W-H-A-T? I-S-N-T I-T T-R-U-E?
Everyone stops laughing and making serious faces after Red spelling the last sentence
Red: what? I was just joking you know..
Yellow: that's not funny, I don't know why I did laugh.
Green: yea, I was laughing only for the robot sounds, personally, I don't see what's funny in that..
TSC: yes, he must hiding something.
Green: someone should go to check him out, someone who he would tell everything! But who?
TSC: I think-
Yellow: Me! "Yellow interrupts TSC." I should go!
Everyone staring at him. Really quiet in there

After some good seconds, Red jumps down from the video and says:
Red: Yes you should go! You seem really good friend with it! I mean, i see you guys are best friends! He would tell you everything!
Green: mhm!
Yellow: ok, cya then.
As Yellow left, Red opened a file named "Our Wedding".
Red: shall we watch? Eh? Eh?
TSC: yea i like romance!
Green: lets watch!

While they doing whatever,Yellow was on his way to desktop. When he got there, he saw Blue eating some netherwarts, laying on the chair with a piece of paper on his face. He looked dead, but he was actually alive, seeing chewing the netherwarts.
Blue: what the heck are these inscriptions?
"The page"

8 28{>$<;(@#h7{{>|
" Or something like that. Plus, that the list continues"

Yellow crouched behind a chair away, seeing the opportunity to find out the reason he's silent.

Blue woke up from his position, staying on chair, with his head over the backrest, into a rage jump, pounding the table with his fist, really mad and trew out of the table all the food, snacks, and drinks he'd prepared. Some seconds he was silent, not even moving, but then started crying.

Yellow then came out from his hidden spot, Blue got really surprised, jumping backwards (1x time), and really shocked, seeing his friend spying him. Ceiling away his tears, started to put all snacks on a plate and then pretending cooking some food.

AvM Stories And Ships :] Alan BeckerWhere stories live. Discover now