AvM. Part 6. The delay (segment 1)

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This part happens after and only after the previous part. This part is a lil bit weird, and shorter. More talkin and discuss. This part is a piece of shit so ski0 it if ya want to. It will become awkward to read.

From other's opinion (and mine ofc), this part is funnier than others.

Skippable <3

After they ate the cake, they wished to Blue happy birthday once again, and left. But Blue didn't.
Yellow: hey, don't you come?
Blue: no.

Yellow looked confused at him, sat on the closest chair and took a cup of juice.
Yellow: why so?
Blue: I wait for Green. Red said he will come. I want to eat the other half of my slice of cake with him.

Yellow hardly swallowed the liquid, about to give some out.
Yellow: Uhh, does it matters as that much for you?
Blue: I think so. He is my friend. I don't know about you, but I didn't met him since I saw him going in that groove. Like 3 months.
Yellow: uh.. I did saw him a week ago, he came to bring me some technical instruments from his world. But why it matters so much for you?
Blue: well, he is my friend, it would be like I didn't saw one of you from so long. Wouldn't you wait for your friend too?
Yellow: Yes I would but.. not really now... or anytime like this for him..
Blue: why not? He is your friend, don't you love him?

Blue looked at Yellow with a confused mug.
Yellow: yes I do, but I wouldn't wait like this. He.. is kinda... uhh. I don't know how to tell you this without hurting you..
Blue: what to tell me?
Yellow:he will not come.. actually...
Blue: what? But Red said he will so.
Yellow: Yes, he said, but Purple is not always coming at the right time. Is busy, if you can understand me. He must come with weeks before he promised will bring me that materials. Happened multiple times.

Blue looked down at his knees.
Blue: With what is he busy with?
Yellow: I don't know. I don't think he is with anything.
Blue: uh, I think I understand his needs. It is not so important though.

Yellow placed his hand on his shoulder.
Yellow: Don't think at that anymore! It is what it is! Lets go get you something.

~~~Some days passed~~~

Green got to Blue in his kitchen on the desktop.
Green: hi Blue! Whatssup?

Blue looked up towards him.
Blue: I'm doing some dish named, uh, escamole.
Green: well, that sounds delicious!
Blue: are you sure? I just tried to do them, just to taste, what is made of is disgusting!
Green: what is that escapemole made of? Moles?
Blue: escamole, it is made by ant eggs.
Green: so is that supposed to be disgusting? I mean, we eat the chicken eggs with no problem.
Blue: yes, true, but it is anyway weird.
Green: whatever. Lemme taste when you done.
Blue: uh-huh.

Green sat on a chair. Blue didn't paid so much attention to Green, so he continued his business. He started rocking in the chair. After some minutes, Blue finally finished that piece of  "art". He tasted it and spit it out immediately.
Green: does it really tastes that bad? "tastes" GOSH! YOURE RIGHT! IMMA VOMIT! *hup* "holds himself not to".

*both holding themselves*
Green: throw it away! I can smell it!
Blue threw it away, then lay on a chair. Neither said a word couple of moments.
Blue: Can I ask something?
Green: go on.
Blue: you're the closest to Purple, do you know anything about him?

Green felt embarrassed and crouched on the chair.
Green: Y-yeah, I mean, no, I don't know anything about him. I think he keeps playing around, or too busy.
He saw that Blue's face changed, only then realising why.
Green: uh, no, I didn't meant to hurt you.
Blue: oh no, it's okay...

I don't fkin know how I could write the gulp moment.

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