AvM. Part 7. An Egg.

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Swearing? A little. Idk, I think just one time uhhh

He moved a pawn on the end of the chess table and made a new queen. The opponent took Blue's bishop with the knight, not realising a trap. Blue blocked any move he wanted to do after his turn, moving the queen in front of the king, as he had nowhere to go, because of the other knight, and a rook, resulting a checkmate in Blue's side. He won.
He sighed and let a tear out of his left eye. Blue sat in silence.
Blue worked up and passed through Red, who was trying to reach a folder.
Blue: What are you doing?
Red: Try- ING.. to reach that- UH... FOLDER!!!

Blue looked confused at him. He grabbed Red's legs, lifted him to reach that folder, and walked away.

Red: Thanks, buddy! "Opens folder and takes an egg from there." Catch that!

Blue wasn't prepared for that sudden throw, so he turned around and almost dropped it.
Red: Do me a favor; keep it safe and take care of it after it hatches, and don't try to cook it!

Blue didn't say anything and walked away holding the egg.

He arrived at his kitchen and put the egg on the table. He took some hay from his little farm and emptied his chest. He put they hay in there and carefully placed the egg in it.
Blue: There you go.

Suddenly, under the table heard a pounch.
Yellow: Aw- my freaking- ahhh! "Sees Blue and gets stunned." Ooh, Blue, uhh, I don't know how I got there, I just fell asleep and never mind. You scared me.

He looked sad at his buddy. Yellow could see that in his eyes, deep inside in the sadness, a drip of fury. "What should I say?" he thought, seeing Blue fixing his eyes on his, as he was trying to say something, but his mouth didn't want to listen.
After a long time of silence, both, at the same time,0 exclaimed:
-Sorry, you were right.
As thinking where they will go iftheyl continue talking, Yellow slightly waved his hand to him, giving to understand that he can go with his sentence.
-You were right. I don't need to frustrate myself as that..
Yellow: No, I can not be like that! I need to let you decide for yourself... who am I to?
They sat in silence for some seconds before Blue to exclaim;
Blue: Buddies?
Yellow: 'till the end!
Yellow approached him and gave Blue a hug.
Yellow: Never gonna leave you.

Yellow: What's up with that egg? *points to the chest*
Blue: I don't know. Red gave it to me and told me to take care of it after it hatches. He said not to cook it. I don't see why you have an egg before it hatches. Like, it takes time for the chick to raise and then use his meat. I can just make scrambled eggs in 3 minutes instead of waiting 3 months to eat the chicken.

Yellow looked at the egg and closed the chest.
Yellow: Just keep it warm. I gotta go make TSC something he asked me. A clock.
Blue: to awake him so he will not sleep that much?
Yellow: He wants a clock to remind him when to sleep. He said he "sleeps less than he needs to."
Blue: I didn't see anybody in my life who sleeps that much as him. Why does he need to sleep longer?
Yellow: I don't know, I do it just because i like to do things. Aaaaand i think I must go. Bye!
Blue: Bye.

After Yellow left, Blue opened the chest, sat down, and looked at the egg.
After several minutes, Green appeared and ended his suffering with a warm voice:
" Hi Blue! What are you doing? "
Blue: Hey. Im waiting for this guy to hatch.
Green: Boring. Don't you have anything to do? Just; doing nothing? Anything? Cook? Walk?
Blue: just chilling. I'm tired.
Green: "tired tired tired tired" that's the only thing I hear these days! Especially from you and TSC!
Blue: He's going a little too far with that, but honestly, I'm tired. Every time I told you so, I didn't go to sleep.
Green: So you mean you didn't sleep for like...? A week?!
Blue: No, I mean yes, or, I don't know, I slept but for a short amount of time.
Green: Then I'll let you sleep. Bye buddy!
Blue: B-

Suddenly, the egg cracked and started shaking, struggling to hatch.

Green stopped and fixed his eyes on it. The egg hatched.
Blue: And what the hell are you? Cuz' I don't think you're a chick.
The creature that hatched was actually a parrot. His pattern looked weird, and the colors too; moss green, cedar brown, cider, and some black spots on it.
Blue: Cockatiel parrot, great. And you're spoiled. What a beautiful creature "sighs."
Green: It is not that ugly, is he? "Touches the parrot." Ehhh, at least don't say it loudly.
Blue: Are you hungry, little guy, eh?

Blue brought some biscuits from the table and gave them to the parrot.
Blue: It doesn't eat. Am I supposed to chew it for you?

As he said that, he took a bucket from his inventory, some milk and sugar. He put the biscuits in the bucket, poured some milk on it, and some sugar. The biscuits dissolved in the milk and became like a pasta.
Blue: Take there.

The parrot approached Blue's hand and tased. It liked it so much.
Green: So, you're gonna feed it with biscuits?
Blue: It is gonna feed itself. Im going to sleep.
Green: And the parrot? Who's gonna take care of it?

Blue slowly blinked to the parrot.
Blue: Euh, is it necessary to take it >WITH< me?
Green: Yeah, I think so. It is yours.
Blue sighed, grabbed the food and the parrot, and left without a word.

On his way, meet with Red.
Red: Hey you! It hatched so fast hm! I thought it would take some days. But, uhh, I didn't expect it to look like this.
Blue: Yeah, the cockatiel, I fed him. It's not looking that bad though, or it does?
Red: If you like it, that's good.
Blue: Will you take it back? Please?
Red: Yes, no. Not now.
Blue: Oof!

I needed to make it longer,but from me, this part was the best way to stop the chapter. Cya soon with the next chapter :3

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