The delay (the second part of segment 2)

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Happening meanwhile and after the previous part. Swearing ofc, ships, yes, drama, yes.

Skipping? Skip the rest of the story then.

He took it and left.

Green's thoughts:
"Where should I go now? Nether? Hills? Village?"
He started though with the nether. He searched up the places where Purple liked the most, but he was nowhere. Then he went to hills. He searched into all places that he liked there and abandoned houses. But he wasn't there either. When he got to the village, he asked a villager if he saw Purple. He said that Purple had been there just before him to arrive and that Purple was talking about a special place, but he didn't say more. Then Green thanked for the info and left.
Green: secret place? Hmm. If it really was, I would know about it.

As he walked to the portal that teleports back to the desktop, Purple walked out from a tree and suddenly stooped.
Purple: Uh hey, uhh, what's up?
Green: Did you just get out of a tree?
Purple: n-nope? Ok, maybe yes!
Green: I was looking for you!
Purple: Why?
Green: I was wondering why you didn't come to Blue's birthday.
Purple: Oh no, I totally forgot! I'm so sorry! Is he okay?
Green: I don't think so... He's.. kinda broke.
Purple: Oh no, I'm so sorry! I am going to him now!

He entered a portal that brought them to the village, then to another, to the desktop. But when they got there, surprisingly he wasn't in the kitchen, where he loved to spend a lot of his time. Though, Yellow was sitting on a chair, playing with some blueberries and a fork, trying to hit the inside of a glass.
Purple: Hey, Yellow! What's up?

Yellow ignored him for a second and continued his game.
Yellow: he left.
Purple: Where did he? I need to talk to him!
Yellow: I don't think he's in mood. Go later...
Green: Why? What's the matter?

Yellow frowned in sadness, didn't say anything.
Purple: What happened?

Yellow didn't say anything even now.
Purple: I'm just going to talk to him. "Pulls Green after him." Come too.

They left. On the way, TSC was sitting on the couch talking to Red something. As Red saw them, he looked away and hardly frowned. When TSC saw them, he exclaimed:
TSC: Hey, Purple! It's been so long since you left!
Purple: Yeah, glad to see you! How has it been?
TSC: Well, we did expect you to come for Blue's birthday! "Then he whispered." Somebody is still grumpy and pointed to Red.
Red: hm!
TSC: Oh, come on, it is not a tragedy! Enjoy, he's there for now!

Red continued being grumpy.
TSC: Just ignore him. He's just sad his friend didn't have...

He suddenly stopped, realising his future mistake.
TSC: Anyway, how have you been?
Purple: no where so important.. I totally forgot about his birthday, that's why I wanted to see Blue.
TSC: he went that way, but he seem really mad, didn't even want to talk to us, I asked him what happened but he told at me to leave him alone, I did so. I'd say to leave him with his thoughts for now.
Purple: I don't think he will get angrier if I go to talk to him. Don't tell him we had this conversation. Come! "Pulls Gren"
TSC: All right! Andddd, where we were at? Oh yes, I remember!
Red: I thought you'll never ask. Come there!
(If you understood anything else of what is happening there, don't take it personally, but you're dirty minded. They were just cuddling. I don't do sus content cuz I'm a Christian. I think ur wondering: if ur Christian, why little swearing? Well, I just can't hold myself from things like these... I hate myself for this.)

Purple whispered to Green:
"Wait, are they togheder?"
Green: yea, not much time ago, but they do. "He whispered back."
Purple: Uh, they are cute, tho.
Green: Yes, I know.

AvM Stories And Ships :] Alan BeckerWhere stories live. Discover now