AvM. Part 5. In the groove. (Yellow x Blue)

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This part took me some time, so please enjoy! I think this part is the one with the most romance. I like Blue x Yellow the most. But I anyway ship them 3 (the 3 ships I specified on the info page) equally. Okay, swearing, yes. A lot more than usual.
this is happening meanwhile, and after the last part, blah blah, let's start.

This part is unskippable.

He tried not to make eye contact with them.
Yellow: anyways, let's go watch the cat videos!
Blue: Weren't you tired?
Yellow: Huh, nah.. I mean, yes, but not anymore!
Blue: ok.
Green: All right guys, I needa go talk somethin' with Red, cya!
Blue, Yellow: Bye!

He left.
Yellow: Do we go?
Blue: Huh? Oh yes. Let's go.
They two left the folder, climbing another one. Yellow got ahead. Blue heard Red, TSC, and Green talking, so he crouched to see what they talked about.

TSC: We didn't trust him at first, but then he said seriously that he wasn't supposed to tell us that, but he did because we would get suspicious.
Blue's thoughts:
"What the hell? Did he tell them? But he swore he wouldn't. I think I can't even trust my best friend after all..."
The Yellow called him:
Yellow: Are you coming?
Blue: Yes, coming...

Blue was dragging his feet after him, feeling a wave of disappointment and sadness drowning his chest, and also sleepy.
Yellow: Sit there! "Shows him a comfy couch next to another one."
Blue sat there, then Yellow played the video.
Yellow: I found that video in the bin, I hope you'll like it! "Said while jumping on the couch."
Blue: For sure I will...

His eyes blinked slowly, like he was in slow motion until he fell asleep. Yellow didn't notice that he was sleeping, so he continued watching the cats. The cats' video was at 5 minutes, and only 3 minutes was seen by Blue. After a cat that ate a jelly mouse been shown, Yellow said:
Yellow: Haha, how a dumb cat, isn't it?
He waited for Blue's response, which never came. When Yellow noticed that the answer would never come, he looked towards him to see why he was so quiet. Then he saw that Blue was asleep, leaning on the elbow, on the shoulder of the couch.
Yellow: Oops, I think you're too tired for that...

Yellow woke up and touched his shoulder. At that moment, Blue was startled from his deep sleep on his legs.
Blue: meow, I'm awake. Who do you make tired?

Then he fell back on the couch.
Yellow: it's obvious you're tired. You gotta sleep.
Blue: Nah, I'm fine. Let's go to Gween to see how he is doing! I mean, Green...

Blue woke up and jumped down to the desktop.
Yellow: Are you sure?
Blue: For sure, I am! GREEN! WHERE ARE YOUUU!
Green slammed the door of TSC's house.
Green: You didn't see anything, ok?
Yellow: What?
Green: If TSC says that someone took a golden apple from his chest, it wasn't me.
Yellow: or what, you weak?
Green: ohh, I know what you mean, win or lose, huh? I win, you didn't see anything alright?
Yellow: deal!
So they started to fight. Blue was watching them for a couple of seconds, then walked away. Red and TSC crossed by him.

Blue: What'cha guys doing?
Then Blue saw that they were holding each other's hands.
Blue: Uhh, I think I got it.
Red: Wait, wait, where are you going?
Blue: I need a lot of rest, and I don't think this is a good place to.
TSC: Are you okay?
Blue: Not as you two are. I need to rest, I didn't sleep for like, I don't know, 3 days?
Blue:  Your good. I can't. Only now I'm feeling sleepy, and I need to sleep when I still can. I need to take advantage of this.
Red: Oh, okay, good night then.
Blue: Thanks.
Blue then got into the nether portal.
Green: ahaha, looser! "He was pinning Yellow on the ground, giving him an evil smile."

AvM Stories And Ships :] Alan BeckerWhere stories live. Discover now