AvM. Part 8. Cocktail

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Yes swearing ofc.
Skippable ig.

Sweet dreams on the sofa. Or not. The parrot didn't stop nibbling Blue's forehead. But what could he do? Yell at the poor creature? Beat it up? He had to endure.
After sever minutes, the pain stopped. The parrot finally stopped. He could finally sleep. Not much after, suddenly, something pounch him and awake Blue
Blue: WHAT?!

It was Alan who was holding his parrot. That's why it stopped.
Blue: Let it down.

He let the parrot down.
Alan typed: Why did you let this parrot annoy u, huh?
Blue: I need to take care of it.
Alan typed: Whye?
Blue: Because Red asked me to.

Then Alan grabbed the parrot and ran with it on the desktop.

Because Alan wanted to annoy him, he continued to spin it across the desktop.
Blue: STOP!

He saw that Alan won't stop, so he jumped on him when he approached. He tried so hard to take out the parrot, but he couldn't. He grabbed a pickaxe from his inventory and tried to mine him. Alan let the parrot down, and as Blue saw it falling, jumped after it, grabbed it, and ran into a folder. Alan followed Blue and grabbed the parrot back.
Blue jumped on family folder and took out from his inventory a flint and steel.

Alan took out a white flag and let the parrot down at his legs. Blue took his animal and left into the same folder the sofa was.
Blue: There you go, little one!

The parrot was disheveled and scared.
Blue: You need a name. I will call you Cocktail. That sounds funny and cute name because you're a cockatiel parrot.

Cocktail looked confused at him.
Blue: Why do I talk with a parrot? It can not understand me. I see it's a female. She's cute. NOW I TALK TO MYSELF AH! Am I going insane, bird?

Cocktail took a feather that falled from his wing and started to play with it. Blue smirked and almost fell asleep, when suddenly, BOOM!
Blue jumped down into the desktop with the parrot on his head.
TSC: I will ask you something else when you'll get in hell!
Yellow: Who the fuck wants a louder alarm than 180 decibels?!
TSC: You blew up my house!
Yellow: I told you is dangerous to be louder! But you, nooo, nothing will happen!
Blue: Heyyy Heyyy stop fighting, whats the matter?

They talked at the same time and Blue didn't understand.
Blue: Hey stop, I cant hear you!
Yellow: He told me to make the clock louder! I advertised him is dangerous but he started to swear at me and-
TSC: And this bullshit blew up my house!

Blue covered Cocktail's ears [do parrots have ears btw?] .
Yellow: You told me to make it louder!
TSC: Louder, not explosive!
Yellow: Pfft! 180 decibels are too loud! Make your own clock! I fuck off there!

Then he madly left. TSC looked around and started to build up his house. While he was building, he noticed the parrot from Blue's head.
TSC: What's that ugly thing?
Blue picked Cocktail and held her on his hand.
Blue: She's not looking that bad!
TSC: And it is a she..?
Blue: Yes.
TSC: Don't tell me you gave the freak a name.
Blue: I did, actually. Her name is Cocktail.
TSC: What an awfu-

Red interrupted him and jumping on his head to make him shut.
Red: Awesome name! It is a funny name!

Blue smirked, and with his bird returned to the folder. Red waited for him to leave and freed TSC.
TSC: what was that for?
Red: I gave him a parrot because he told me he's stressed and can't sleep.
TSC: and what's the point with that ugly bird?
Red: I didn't expect it to be spoiled okay? The egg looked good thought. Animals reduce stress. I just wanted to help him, but I knew he won't take a bird knowing he will keep it.
TSC: Hm. Clever.
Red: [British accent] It's me, the majestuous king of animals, the one who can solve any problem by nice words, Red. "Bows to TSC" Have you dared to believe that my mind is not clever, even if you didnt yet hear the plan?

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