AvM. Part 2. Meanwhile...

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Some Reds TSC moments. No drama, swearing included 👍 This part is happening while Yellow got to Blue in the previous part.

This part is also unskippable, is very important. You can skip tho after they pet the cat.

As Yellow left, Red opened a file named "Our Wedding".
Red: shall we watch? Eh? Eh?
Green: yea i like romance!
TSC: lets watch!
Red played the video and sat down with his friends.

Alan waiting on the altar of the church, looking really good in his suit. Everyone was sitting on their seats. A man was playing organ, wedding songs. They waited several seconds, until the big door opened. A beautiful lady showed up, with a really long dress, all white, with a beautiful dark brown hair. She slowly walked to the altar. When she finally got there, Alan spelt his oaths, heartwarming everyone's faces. Then the preacher asked them if they will take them as wife/ husband. Both said yes, then they kissed. Exactly like a storm, with lights and thunder, the applauses and screams of happiness almost deaf them.

The End screen ran the remaining part of the video. Green, Red and TSC were in tears.
Green: that was so emotional..
Red: yes, and the oaths..
TSC: ....no more words....
Some seconds looking at the black screen in quiet been like 10 years. Then Red woke up and said:
Red: what should we watch next?
Green: I don't know... Maybe the first steps?
Red: no, we are waiting for Blue and Yellow right?
Green: ahh, yea. By the way, it takes too long. Wanna do something?
TSC: yes! But what tho?
Nobody said anything for couple of moments.
Red: Got it! I kept those for a special moment, for a full bar of boringness!

Searches up in his inventory, Green and TSC really curious to see. After good seconds of searching, he quickly took out invisibility potions and shows them:
Red: I got them long time ago, when we was doing pvp. I stole some from Blue. Exact 3!
TSC: alright, but what should we do with them?
Red: sneaking!
Green: ohh I like how it sounds! Where? Where?
Red: I don't know..
TSC: we should go see what are Blue and Yellow doing!
Green: oh yess?
Red: lets go!
They all drank the potions. Nobody could see them now! They sneak into desktop trying to not make any sound. They saw Blue throwing himself to the ground, then Yellow sat next to him saying something. They couldn't hear anything, so they got closer. They saw Blue having in hand a piece of paper:

Blue: will you tell anyone?
Yellow: I swear I won't!
Then, Green, whispered to his friends:
"I don't think we are allowed to hear this...let's go..."
Red:" but I really want to"
TSC: "no, you don't"
They left the desktop going to main files.
Green: did we should stay there and listen?
TSC: I don't think so.. I wouldn't be so happy if someone spying me while talking about secrets...
Red: oh c'mon, just lemme-
*tries to crouch to hear*
TSC wakes him and grabs his hand, opening some files.
Red: ah?
Green follows them.
Opens the file with the nether portal and tugs Red thought it. Green still follows them. They got into nether then got into another portal, teleporting them to the village. He grabbed some milk and splash them and himself. He canceled the invisibility potion.
TSC: here! Have this. "Gives him a cat. "
Red: aww, she's so cute thx! But still-
He wanted to go back but TSC grabs his hand harder and puts him down.
TSC: lets play with the cat!
Red gives him a sick look then pets the cat.
Red: you're good.
They look in each others eyes for couple of moments. Green, really confused of what just happened (like you rn Im sure you're confused 100%, I can see you thought the display), says:
Green: I think -I will just-

Then he slowly left, Red and TSC still staring at each other. They started petting the cat really aggressively like they was trying to kill his back, but in a soft way.

They kept petting the cat until Red got tired and layed down looking at the sky.
Red: Yeah, you're right. Is not so cool to spy someone in moments like that. You know? Is not so bad that Green left. It wouldn't be the same..
TSC: what do you mean?
Red: we are alone, and that's.. I don't know.. it feels nice...
TSC:but we-
Red: you know, is really nice being with you, alone and-
TSC: we are not alone.
Then Red realised some villagers watching. He got really awkward and just left trough the portal. TSC was really awkward too so he left too, going into Alan's PC. When they got there, they sneaked back to the family moments folder, while Yellow and Blue talking about some drugs.
Red: what the heck? Do they do drugs?
TSC: idk.
Green, Red and TSC waited for Yellow and Blue to come. When they got close, Red, Green and TSC noticed that they stopped right when they was about to come in. They was whispering something. It was incomprehensible. Then they finally got in.
Red: hey Blue! We waited so long for you! We sent Yellow after you! Is there something wrong for what you didn't came?
Blue gave an intense look to Yellow, then replies:
Blue: not at all, I forgot how cookies was made. Bye the way, I brought the snacks.
He put the tray on the shoulder of the sofa. Chips, cookies, biscuits and, of course, netherwarts.
Blue: Let's watch!

Please if you enjoyed, don't forget to vote, cuz I give my time for this

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