AvM. Part 3. I have nothing to confess..

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This is a continuing of the previous part. This took a while because I have no time, and I also need to finish an animation, and both took and still take time. I am writing this only in school breaks.
I dont have any description of the things you are about to read, I can't tell if it is drama or not.

This part can be skipped. It is a bit important but you still can understand the story without it.

Red: Hey Blue! We waited so long for you! We sent Yellow after you! Is there something wrong for what you didn't come?
Blue gave an intense look to Yellow, then replies:
Blue: Not at all, I forgot how cookies were made. By the way, I brought the snacks.
He put the tray on the shoulder of the sofa. Chips, cookies, biscuits, and, of course, netherwarts.
Blue: Let's watch!

Yellow took the tray and, in a jump, got in the middle of the sofa. Green sat in the right of him and TSC in the left. Blue took his place on the right shoulder of the sofa, next to Green. Then Red played the video and jumped on the other sofa's shoulder.

A little kid, in his legs, started to walk, laughing. The room became loud as he made the next step. One more. Then another one. Then he stopped and fell down, laughing louder and clapping with his little hands. Then, the video ended.

Red: That was great, but short, only 3 minutes long.
TSC: it was great, but i liked the wedding video more.
Yellow: Aww, you watched without us? "Then he took a sip from his delicious cherry juice."
Green: Yes, we did, we got bored, and we wanted to watch something.
TSC: "Yawns" well, im kinda tired. Imma go sleep.
Blue: But I really wanted to -
Red: Yes, yes, let's go, I think im tired too, aren't you too Yellow? "Says interrupting Blue and giving a long look to Yellow, smirking."
Yellow: y- yes.. I think so.
Red: Great! I think you're not tired, aren't you Green?
Green understood and woke up.
Green: I'm totally rested!
Red: ok byee!

TSC, Red, and Yellow left the folder. Blue, really confused of what just happened, took some netherwarts and lied all over the sofa, looking up, trying to figure out what happened. They sat in silence for long moments. Green was staring at Blue, not knowing how to start a conversation.
Green: Blue?
Blue: Uh, huh? "He said with his mouth full."
Green: Are you feeling good? I mean, you are not the same as before...

Blue swallowed the netherwarts, not taking the eyes away from where he was looking at (up).
Blue: What do you mean? "He kept looking up, not making eye contact with Green."
Green: Are you feeling bad about something or sad? I want to mean.... Uhh...

Blue didn't answer, still looking up. After some moments, Green replied:
Green: Can you hear me?
Blue: Huh? Oh yes, I do. Hmm...
Green saw that he couldn't make him talk. He sighted.
Green: Look, if you wanna talk to anyone, im here, okay?
Blue turned his head towards Green:
Blue: Why do I feel that?
Green: feel what?
Blue woke from his position to a sit one on the sofa.
Blue: like a pressure on my chest. It hurts, and I breathe hard when it comes. It starts hurting when im happy. When I like my life or just glad. Why is this?
Then Green started to make fun of that question he'd just heard.
Green: ahahah, the potion-expert-medic-guy comes to me to ask for diagnostics? That's hilarious!
He started giggling.

Blue looked down really sad. Green stopped.
Green: Oh, sorry. But you know? That's not uncommon. You could say it's normal.
Blue: How?
Green: I felt it, too. And still feeling it, but for someone else.
Blue: I don't under... oh...
Green: Yes.
Blue: But I'm not in love. And if I'd be, with who?

Blue looked at Green with confusion.
Green: With who do you feel good when you're nearby?
Blue: I don't know..uhh.. no. "He blushed, looking down, trying to hide that."
Green: It could be anyone, but if it would be me, I don't think it would be reciprocal, well, not anymore.
Blue: Do you mean? Do you mean you were in love with me?
Green: I couldn't say 'in love', just liked. Now I like someone else..
Blue: lemme guess, Purple? "He whispered."
Green: Odd, how did you know?
Blue: I sometimes hear you talking to yourself about him.
Green found his opportunity to find clues.
Green: bro, you're like a ghost, so silent. Why so?
Blue: I just don't like to be loud at night.
Green: Are you sure?
Blue didn't took out a word, pretending to arrange the snacks on the tray.

In Blue's thoughts:
"Why is he keep asking me these questions? Maybe he's just curious, or maybe he knows something. I know that he cares about me, about everyone, I care about everyone and I know that we care of each other, but I don't want him to know anything what I've been told to Yellow. Is not like I will die if I tell them, but I just don't want them to know. I told everything to Yellow because I couldn't keep all for me anymore, and telling him, I made myself feel better."

?1: "Blue, blue, are you with us?
?2: "I don't think so. He didn't move the last 3 minutes."
?1: "Don't pretend you're dead, I can see you're breathing. Where are you looking at?"
Blue got lost in his thoughts. He did not hear anyone until this. Then, when he realised that someone was actually talking to him, he turned his head towards the ones that had been talking. They were Green and Yellow.
Yellow: Why don't you say anything?
Blue: ..uh?
Yellow: Im trying to get your signal to the world.
Blue: What happened?
Green: After you moved around the tray, you kept looking at it for like, 4 minutes. Are you ok?
Blue: Huh? Yeah, I'm good, I was just thinking...

He tried not to make eye contact with them.
Yellow: anyways, let's go watch the cat videos!
Blue: Weren't you tired?
Yellow: Huh, nah.. I mean, yes, but not anymore!
Blue: ok.
Green: All right guys, I needa go talk somethin' with Red, cya!
Blue, Yellow: Bye!

Ok, sooo, I think I know what you are thinking at. Did Green like Blue? Yes. I noticed some little things in AvM before Purple to be shown(the Yellow x Blue ship was circling about all the fandom). In many episodes, Green wanted to stay with Blue or just interacting with him more than with others, and as I noticed, I also saw that Blue didn't got any clues of that, instead he got a bit confused when Yellow grabbed his hand in Titan Ravager (he kinda understood the message).After and only after Purple got revealed, Green stopped to do these things. This is what I saw, and I don't need to tell what episodes I saw these things because they are almost all before Purple to come.

Bless you, Alan, if you will make these ships. Bless you.

Please if you enjoyed, don't forget to vote, cuz I give my time for this

AvM Stories And Ships :] Alan BeckerWhere stories live. Discover now