Chapter 10: another face

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Izuku had lost track of the days already. He didn't know if a week had passed or a month. He couldn't remember when was the last time he saw his parents.

Shouta and Hizashi weren't even his parents anymore. He was part of the commission. His mind had been broken to that.

Hawks noticed the small boy walk into the dining hall with a darkness over him. "Glitch!" He called out to him.

Izuku turned his head slightly seeing the other. He was able to get the plate of food on his own and made his way to the table where Hawks was.

"Glitch, how did you sleep last night?"

Izuku looked at him with a dead face. His eyes were the only thing that moved. The image of white hair with small red parts say next to the winged person.

"So, you're Hawks's little. Pleasure to meet you kid. The name's Sirius, even though I despise it," Toyua rambled, introducing himself.

"Hawks, who is he?"

Toyua rolled his eyes, thinking he did well in introducing himself. He didn't think about how broken Izuku's mind was already.

"Don't mind him. Sirius here is my closest friend in this place. He's 13, but only got roped into this place a few years ago."

"I faked my own death to get away from my father," he put bluntly.

"How come this is the first time I've seen you?" Izuku asked the eldest.

"I'm what you call the troublemaker. I don't really care if I live or die. They see me as too powerful to kill so they just put me through punishment after punishment when I break the rules."

"Which is often," Hawks finished, taking a bite of his breakfast.

The two older boys spoke to each other back and forth. Izuku wanted to understand how they could talk to each other with such ease.

Was it because they had roommates in their dorms to talk to? Izuku didn't have anyone to talk to other than Hawks.

Izuku picked at the food, not feeling hungry.

"You should eat something. They get mad if you eat nothing," Hawks warned him, noticing what Izuku was doing.

"We have an assignment in the coming week. They want me to create the grid by then," Izuku spoke, recalling what he had told Hawks before.

"Have you been practicing?"

"Yes, I can make a small one, but it doesn't last very long," Izuku answered.

Hawks let out a sigh of relief. The commission workers that conducted the assessments took into consideration the ages. They knew a quirk couldn't go from 0 to 100 in a matter of days.

"That's good kid. Hawks told me slightly about your quirk before you got here. You're pretty powerful for being so small."

"T- Sirius," Hawks hit his arm, almost letting his true name spill out.

"I've overheard the adults saying something similar," Izuku mumbled, forcing himself to take a bite of his food.

Hawks let out a sigh. Depending on a person's background, the time it took for them to break would change.

Himself, he almost broken, but Toyua kept him grounded. Izuku had nothing. The hope he had on the first day was gone. He didn't even last 2 weeks.

"Crap, Inko is coming over," Toyua looked down, making sure to avoid all eye contact with the woman.

Hawks and Izuku acted normally. Inko arrived at the table in the matter of seconds. Taking a seat with the boys, right next to Izuku.

"Good morning boys," she spoke with a soft voice.

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