Chapter 21: the room mate

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"There better be a good reason why I got a text to stay late. I want to go home to my cat," Qi rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall of Inko's office.

Inko gave her a side eye walking into her own office,  Amari following behind her.

Qi straightened up seeing the teen in the run down clothes.

"Qi, I summoned you for a reason," Inko spoke clearly. "Amari, take a seat. I have to talk to her outside for a moment. We shall meet back," she informed him.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you," she smiled gently not thinking much about anything else.

Qi quickly followed Inko into the hall, shutting the door behind them.

"Who the hell is that?!" Her eyes mentioned towards the door, the fly aways of her hair being wilder by the moment.

"Glitch's final assignment," Inko put plainly.

"You know what his final assignment is."

"Kill someone he trusts. That boy in there can die and come to life."


"He set off an alarm and triggered a deadly defense system. He confirmed he died and came back."

"I don't think Glitch will trust him quickly. We did raise him here."

"That's exactly why I'm making Amari his personal assignment for a different reason."

"What do you mean Inko?"

"Glitch can train him our ways. It'll build trust and give him the loyalty test that we both know he'll pass."

Qi smirked hearing Inko's mind at work. She was the one playing chess has everyone one else played checkers.

"List the rules and conditions for him and I'll go with every single one. You know best for this program."


Inko reached for the door, opening it. Amari turned in the chair, giving his attention to the two women.

"Welcome back," he joked nervously.

Inko walked to her seat at her desk with Qi taking a seat next to Amari.

Her eyes wandered to him as his attention sat on Inko.

His brown hair was biting more than traditional, matching his brown eyes. Nothing about his appearance seemed crazy. He was just a traditional looking teenager.

"Amari, we have decided to let you stay here. We will provide you living space with a washroom. We will also provide food and protection," she paused seeing his eyes go wide.


"However, we need you to do something for us," she finished her statement.

"If you're going to provide me with everything I need, I'll do anything," he smiled, holding that small glimmer in his eyes.

"We would need you to live inside these walls for about a year."

"Whys that?"

Qi raised an eyebrow. He was going to be a troublemaker for the adults.

"What is about to be said cannot be repeated or shared with anyone outside of this building. You are not allowed to talk about what happens here. If you do, we will know," she warned.

"Okay," he put simply.

"One of our heroes in training is specializing in his assassin skills," a small gasp was heard from Amari. "We need him to kill someone he trusts as a final test."

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