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Fatima: shitt Zac stay up.

Fatima gets the gunman into cuffs, he was still conscious She also called for two ambulances. She goes over to Zac and notices the bullet went in his chest. She also noticed he didn't have his vest on.

Fatima: why the fuck didn't you put on your vest stupid. stay with me Zac come on

Zac was losing blood so she grabbed a nearby towel and applied pressure to his wound.

Zac: F-Fat

Fatima: no don't say anything.

Zac: *faintly* Fat-ima i lo- *passes out*

Fatima: no no no, fuck no. Where the fuck is the ambulance

Just then the paramedics came through the door. As well as other officers.

Fatima: he has a gunshot wound to the chest. The gunman just has one to his leg. The lady is probably still in the room

Officer Jackson: we got it go with him

On the way to the hospital, Fatima called the Taylor's letting them know what happened and they were there by the time the ambulance pulled up. The doctors got Zac into a trauma room and assessed his condition. He was rushed into surgery since the bullet was still in his chest. One of the doctors came out and updated the family and they just waited for him to get out.

Fatima was shaking the whole time. She was scared, she didn't want to lose her best friend.

Gary: Fat?

Fatima: Unc *they hug*

Gary: you know-

Fatima: yea you'll need a statement not right now

Gary: i know, i know calm down

Fatima: he got shot i can't calm down

Zuri: sis he's strong he's gonna pull through

2 Hours Later

Fatima: i swear somebody better update us or ill turn this hospital upside down

Chantel: i'm sure-

Doctor: Taylor Family?

Everyone: right here

Doctor: okay Mr. Taylor is going to be fine. We got the bullet out. His heart did give us a few troubles but we're monitoring him and he should be okay. We've also contacted his cardiologist who has checked him out.

JT: can we see him?

Doctor: when he wakes up ill get you all in

Chantel: thank you

45 Minutes later Zac woke up and the entire family went to his room. He was up and smiling.

Zac: what's up family?

Zuri: you're mighty hype for someone who just got shot

Zac: a bullet not gonna take me out sis

Fatima: you need to chill because your ass was almost taken out. scared the fuck outta me

Zac: *singing* i'm still alive, im still alive

Chantel: Zachary be serious, you could've died

Zac: i know, but by the grace of God i'm still here and i'm thankful. can yall cheer up? this energy is draining

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