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I realized i didn't mention this. But after the whole New York situation, Fatima did apologize to Zac's family. It took some times but they did come around as they heard the story more in depth.

Sunday Morning

Zac woke up first so he hurried and did his morning routine before Fatima woke up then got back in bed with her. He pulled Fatima onto him and grabbed his book to start reading. He read for about an hour so it was going on 8am. He started kissing Fatima's face all over until she woke up.

Fatima: 10 minutes

Zac: it's almost 8 baby

Fatima: please

Zac: okay 10 minutes and that's it

Fatima: thank you baby

Fatima goes back to sleep while Zac admired her beauty. 15 minutes later he woke her up again.

Zac: alright come on

Fatima: i feel like you don't love me

Zac: why?

Fatima: because if you did you would let me sleep

Zac: babe i gave you an extra 5 minutes, we need to get to church. you know ma doesn't like when we're late

Fatima: ugh

Zac: imma go make sure JJ is up okay? then i'll come do your hair

Fatima: awe thank you baby you're so sweet

Zac: mhm i love you *kissing her cheek*

Fatima: i love you too

Zac got up and went to wake JJ up as well as make their smoothies. Sundays they have smoothies for breakfast since they go to brunch after church. JJ came downstairs dressed and ready so he grabbed a smoothie while Zac went to his room to finish getting ready.

Zac: *walking into the bathroom* you're so beautiful mamas

Fatima: thank you

Fatima had on some dark washed blue jeans, a black sweater, and some black sandals.

Zac: come on, let me do your hair so i can get dressed

Fatima: i'm so grateful for you, you don't understand

Zac smiles as he gets started on her hair. Zac is the only person that touches Fatima's hair and he actually does a good job. Today she wanted a high puff so that's what he did. When he finished he kissed her and slapped her ass.

Fatima: thank you, it's cute

Zac: of course, alright let me get dressed

Fatima: are you going to match me?

Zac: of course baby, when do i not?

Fatima: i was just making sure

Zac: mhm your smoothie is in the kitchen, go drink it before we leave

Fatima: okay, i love you

Zac: i love you too i'll be down in a minute

Fatima goes to the kitchen and joins JJ as she drinks her smoothie. 5 minutes later Zac came from their room in a black polo, blue jeans and his black jordans.

Fatima: why didn't you tell me we were wearing our jordans i want to wear mine too

Zac: you had the sandals on first

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