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1:38 am

Fatima was stirring in her sleep and it woke Zac up.

Fatima: *in her sleep* baby come back please

Zac: Fatima

Fatima: *crying* he's gone

Zac: baby *shaking her* Fatima wake up

Fatima wakes up and hugs Zac

Zac: what happened?m

Fatima: you were gone, *crying* you left me

Zac: i'm not going anywhere baby i promise

Fatima: don't promise me that Zac

Zac: no baby remember what we talked about?

Fatima: yes

Zac: okay then you know i'm here until we grow old.

Fatima: okay, please don't go anywhere or ill kill all of us

Zac: i know mamas, come on go back to sleep

6:08 am

Zac has been up for the last 2 hours thinking. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

Zac: Doc, good morning

DW: top of the morning Zachary, what can i do for you?

Zac: i'll do it

DW: do what?

Zac: the transplant, you said it's my only chance? i'll do it *looking at Fatima* i have to do it

DW: i'm glad you said that because you're already on the list and you're very high up

Zac: thank you

DW: no problem, you should be able to get in soon. i will let you know the details

Zac: alright Doc

DW: stay safe

Zac: likewise *hangs up*

Zac was up thinking about his health. He knew in the back of his mind his only resort was the transplant. He also knew that he had to do this for his family. The one he already has, and the one he wanted to create.

Fatima: doodie


Fatima: doodie

Zac: yes mamas?

Fatima: why are you staring at me?

Zac: i'm just thinking baby

Fatima: well stop, it's creepy

Zac: no, you're so beautiful

Fatima: thank you but no

Zac: shh go back to sleep

Fatima: what were you thinking about?

Zac: life, with you

Fatima: awee my baby, you're so cute

Zac: cute is for puppies, i'm fine as hell

Fatima: well excuse the hell out of me

Zac: you better recognize

Fatima: can you not be so sassy?

Zac: absolutely not

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