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Monday morning, Fatima had a doctors appointment so they both went in late. it was just a routine check so they were in and out. Afterwards they went to work together, Zac dropped Fatima off on her floor then went up to his. Fatima only had one consultation and some paperwork to do for the day. Unlike Fatima, Zac had a busy day. He had back to back meetings and 2 showings.

Zac: *on the phone* babe

Fatima: yes?

Zac: i'm going to be busy all day, i'll most likely miss lunch. if you want you can come get the keys and go to the restaurant i'll leave them at the front

Fatima: i don't want to go without you baby

Zac: but you have to eat

Fatima: babe

Zac: how about i'll order you something? i can tell mama to bring it

Fatima: but i want to eat with you

Zac: mamas, please. i need you and my son to eat. i'll come see you when i get some time okay?

Fatima: okay fine, but you better come see me or ill come up there and cuss everybody out for keeping my man busy

Zac: i know you will, and I'll come see you. i love you

Fatima: i love you too don't work too hard

Zac: i won't, see you later baby

Fatima: see you *hangs up*

Zac went to his first meeting of the day and it went way longer than it should've so he went right into his next meeting. While in the meeting he texted his mom to bring Fatima some food and she agreed. It was going on 2pm by the time Zac finished his second meeting so he went back to his office to get ready for a house showing. He noticed a bag of food on his desk with a note on it.

My Son,

I know you well enough to know you haven't slowed down today. Slow down. don't work yourself up too much. i love you


Zac smiled and put the food in the refrigerator. As hungry as he was he couldn't eat because he had to leave but not before stopping by to see Fatima. When he got to her office he walked in and she was looking at her computer.

Zac: hey beautiful

Fatima shoots out of her chair and hugs Zac

Fatima: hey baby, i been missing you all day

Zac: i missed you too. i hate being the boss sometimes

Fatima: why?

Zac: because i have to be available to too many people and they be running me hot

Fatima: do i need to come cus them people out?

Zac: no baby it's good you always on go. calm down

Fatima: i'm calm, how were your meetings?

Zac: same shit, different week. i think i might have Riri come sit the meetings because i just can't do it

Fatima: you know she not going for that

Zac: for some extra money she will

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