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Wednesday Night

Fatima: babe!

Zac: *entering the bathroom* yes my love?

Fatima: you have to do my hair

Zac: okay what are we doing to it?

Fatima: cornrows or box braids? you pick one

Zac: box braids cause i can still pull em when im hitting it from the back

Fatima: you so nasty

Zac: of course. that's why my baby is in your stomach

Fatima: *rolls her eyes* okay you don't have to add hair this time i just want it all natural

Zac: *whispering in her ear* i love going all natural

Fatima: *laughs* Zachary stop it. what's up? you got some pressure built up?

Zac: yes i do actually we haven't had sex since saturday

Fatima: what's one more day?

Zac: oh trust me im fucking the shit out of you over that lil glass shit. i don't want no running either

Fatima: *grabbing his dick* i like when you're aggressive

Zac: Fatima, i will bend your ass over right now stop playing

Fatima: i'm kidding, just please do my hair

Zac: yea ight, get the stuff and come on. wicho sexy ass *smacking her ass*

2 Hours Later

Zac: we're done baby look *handing her his phone*

Fatima: oh shit it's cute

Zac: yea i did you a lil bayang type situation with the side part

Fatima: you did good baby, why are you so good at doing hair?

Zac: i honestly don't know, ya manz is gifted

Fatima: clearly, i might never go to my stylist again

Zac: you don't have to, i got you

Fatima: thank you gimme a kiss

Zac pecks her lips

Zac: mm i'll never get tired of those lips

Fatima: what about the other ones? *smirking*

Zac: Rose. if you keep playing i'm not waiting until we not on U.S. soil. i'll fuck you right here, right now

Fatima: babe calm down please

Zac: don't tell me to calm down, i'm ready to make love to you woman. i want to put another baby in you

Fatima: slow down partner, you will not be getting me pregnant 50-11 times

Zac: say i won't

Fatima: omg can you go get us a snack? we're hungry again

Zac: baby i'm not hungry

Fatima: Zachary

Zac: okay fine i'll eat a snack with you

Fatima: thank you honey

The next day Zac and Fatima woke up at 2am for their 5am flight. What Fatima didn't know is they were flying private so when they got to the plane she was surprised.

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