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Fatima is 8 and a half months pregnant. She's honestly ready to drop the baby. As predicted, her and Zac haven't had sex since they got back from the Maldives. Part of it is because they did so much, but also Fatima just doesn't want to be touched and Zac is fine with it, he's being patient.

Right now, they are at Chantel and JT's house. Fatima wanted JT to cook for her and of course he did.

JT: alright the food is ready pooka

Fatima: oooo i'm so hungry

Chantel: Pac you ain't been feeding my baby?

Zac: i have ma, come on baby

Zac helped her off the couch and brought her to the table where she sat down. He then made both of their plates and they all sat down.

Fatima: Zachary you need more on your plate

Zac: mamas i told you i can't eat that much

Fatima: so you calling me fat?

Zac: no baby! i would never im just saying im still a little full from breakfast

Fatima looks at him with a sad face.

Zac: I'll get some more baby, will that make you feel better?

Fatima: no you're only doing it because i said something

Zac: no i'm not, i'm eating for two as well shit

Fatima: *laughs* boy bye

Chantel: spoiled

Zac: ma she is not spoiled, whatever my baby wants she gets

Chantel: i'm pretty sure that's the definition but okay

JT: she ain't spoiled Chan

Chantel: bullshit. so have we decided on babygirls name?

Zac: yes I have decided on HIS name

Fatima: it's a girl so be quiet

JT: definitely a boy

Fatima: *gasps* i thought you were on my side

JT: i am, just not when it comes to this, im getting my grandson and he's gonna play baseball

Zac: exactly, no ballerina shoes for you

Chantel: whatever it's a girl, i can't wait!

Hours Later, Zac's house

Zac and Fatima pulled up at home. Fatima was asleep because Zac was rubbing her stomach and that usually had her out within minutes.

Zac: babe wake up

Fatima: no baby i'm tired

Zac: baby i promise you can go back to sleep when we get in the house.

Fatima: Zachary you piss me off *now fully awake taking off her seat belt*

Zac: i know

Zac helped her out of the car and she waddled mad as hell. Before she could get to the door she noticed another car in their driveway.

Fatima: who is at our house?

Zac: nobody that's yours, come on so you can go back to sleep grumpy

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