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3 Months Later

Woman: Mr. Taylor

Zac: yes Paula?

Paula: Ms. Wilson need you downstairs

Zac: why did she call you instead of me?

Paula: your guess is as good as mine

Zac: tell her if she needs me to call me herself

Paula: yes sir *leaves*

2 minutes later Zac's phone rings

Zac: Mr. Taylor speaking

Fatima: Zac-

Zac: Mr. Taylor

Fatima: can you stop?

Zac: Ms. Wilson do you need something? if not i'm going to hang up now

Fatima: wait! um can you come by my house tonight

Zac: i-

Fatima: please? i wouldn't ask if it wasnt important

Zac: *sighs* fine ill be there at 6:30

Fatima: 6:30? why so early

Zac: not that it's any of your business, but i have plans

Fatima: plans?

Zac: i'll see you at 6:30 *hangs up*

Zac calls his assistant back in

Zac: Paula please reschedule the rest of my meetings i'm leaving for the day

Paula: yes sir

Taylor Restaurant

Zac sat in his regular booth. When his mom came from the back and saw him she sat with him.

Chantel: hey boy, what you doing here?

Zac: nothing much, i'm not hungry pops doesn't have to make me anything

Chantel: well what the hell are you here for?

Zac: *sighs* ma you think i'm doing the right thing with Fatima? i miss her so much it's killing me

Chantel: it's not about what i think, it's about what you think. so what do you think?

Zac: i feel like i made the right decision but like damn im tired of putting up this front

Chantel: son this is what i know. she loves you, that's undeniable anybody can see that. but that argument was clearly a lot. and you have to keep your word

Zac: i know. i just wish she understood

Chantel: she has to do that one her own. that's why this time apart is so important for yall.

Zac: i hear you ma i do. and i want to thank you and dad for not being mad at her

Chantel: only because we went through something similar. i understand her. now Zuri, she's a different story

Zac: she's a case study

Chantel: ha!

That evening

Knock Knock Knock

Fatima: come in, it's open!

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