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The next day Zac woke up early to go for a run. When he got back, Fatima was still asleep so he showered and went to make their breakfast. Fatima loved french toast so he made it for her. He didn't make any eggs because he knew they'd send her to throwing up. He was in the kitchen singing Love Calls by Kem when Fatima came into the kitchen watching him.

Zac: *with his back turned* T that's you?

Fatima: do you have eyes in the back of your head?

Zac: no i have superpowers. i'm always on high alert

Fatima: you should've been on high alert when you got shot

Zac finally looks back at Fatima with a straight face

Zac: good morning to you too

Fatima: good morning sir *smiling* what you making?

Zac: french toast

Fatima: i was literally dreaming about french toast thank you so much

Zac: you're welcome. uh ma'am you need to sit down

Fatima: what?

Zac goes and picks Fatima up putting her on the counter and giving her a strawberry

Fatima: where's the eggs?

Zac: if i made eggs you'd be throwing up from the smell

Fatima: but i want eggs baby

Zac: you're going to throw up

Fatima: please?

Zac: alright fine but if you throw up i'm not making them no more *getting the eggs from the fridge*

Fatima: i'm not going to

Zac began making the eggs and while Fatima wanted to be right, she was wrong. She tried so hard not to let the smell affect her but she couldn't hold it and ran to the bathroom.

Zac: that girl don't listen

He threw the eggs away grabbed her some water and went to go check on Fatima. He kneeled down and rubbed her back

Zac: babe i told you

Fatima: shut up Zachary

Zac: drink this water

Fatima downs the water

Fatima: thank you

Zac: you're welcome. now you get in the bed, i'll bring you your french toast and i'll rub your feet

Fatima: okay

Zac finished cooking while Fatima brushed her teeth and got comfortable in the bed. When he finished, he brought Fatima her food and some apple juice and placed it on a tray in the bed. Fatima immediately started eating because it smelled delicious.

Fatima: *mouth full* where's yours?

Zac: *grabbing her feet* i'll eat in a little bit

Fatima: why would you do that? we eat together

Zac: do you want me to rub your feet or eat?

Fatima: i want you to eat with me

Zac: alright i'll go get my plate

Fatima: can you bring some more strawberries please?

Zac: of course anything else?

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