Verdent Wind: Confession

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Y/n painfully walked through the halls of her estate as she walked to her mother's chambers. Her heart now feels heavy with every step she takes in the empty golden halls. At last, she stood at the door of her mother's chambers. It's door is slightly ajar. Y/n's breathing became labored as she tried her best to contain her anxiousness so her mother not question her. 

"My dear. Is that you? Please come in and shut the door too. This is something important." Her mother called out. Y/n slowly opened the door, entered, and quietly closed the door behind her. Her mother walked towards her, pulling her into a gentle embrace. 

"Mother?" Y/n asked, unsure of the sudden gesture. Her mother only pulled her closer to her, stroking the back of her head in a comforting manner. 

"Are you hurting? I am assuming so. The magical air around you is tense. " Mother said before pulling away. She had grabbed Y/n's hand too, pulling her to a chair by the bed. On the bed, rested her father. who was in deep sleep. His labored breathing was only being heard as his chest rose and back down again.

"Did Ashe speak to you?"

"Oh." Y/n said as she sat down on the bed beside her father. "Is it really appropriate to speak about that here?"

"Your father has been trying to find the perfect man for you. Feel free to speak."

Y/n placed her hand on her father's warm still hand that was resting on the side of the bed. Her gaze softened at the sight of her father for only it to be blurred with tears.

"I do not want to hurt him and yet somehow I did."

Her mother rose up from her seat to pet her daughter's hair

"I had asked him if he was interested in you. He said yes. However."


"He said there is someone else you wish to stand beside."

"..mother.. would it be wrong? I know Ashe had said it but-"

"He told you how he feels about it right? Then follow your heart. He will be happy when you're happy my dear. No more proposals. Isn't that right hubby?" Her mother spoke as if her father would respond, but she could imagine his hefty chuckle and agree with her.

"I spoke with him too. Is which was why I asked Ashe in the first place."

"To him? You mean Byleth?"

"Yes, you're previous Professor of the Academy. He asked me. It would be okay to take you with him to defeat Edelgard and Ray? Do you think you can handle seeing them again?"

"I don't know. Maybe with Ashe then-"


Y/n froze. Her mother only uses her full name when she's being scary.

"Y/n. If you choose to follow your professor and the Alliance leader, then Ashe cannot follow."

"I... I understand. " Y/n paused before standing up beside her, "I need to stop Eddie and Ray. I asked for you and Father's blessings."

"Oh, my dear. You already do. Go and follow your path. We support you and love you with all our heart."



Byleth was preparing his small pouch for his belongings as he and the rest of the alliance were returning to the church to prepare for battle. Now that the border was secured for now, it would be a perfect time to strike back. He had turned to the voice that called out to him. Internally, he was happy to see his student well and not in pain but he kept his usual Stoic face to hide his excitement.

"Y/n. How are you? What brings you here?"

"Professor. Are you sure you want me to join you to fight against the Empire?"

"Of course Y/n. You'd help out tremendously. You might be able to convince your brother too."

"If I choose this. You know I'll be making the biggest decision of my life. "

Byleth did not follow. He simply gave the girl a confused look.

"It would mean losing something important to me. Just to follow you."

"If that is the case. Then you don't have to force yourself to join us. I understand it's something that bothers you."

"No. Professor. No. Byleth. You don't understand."

"I don't. Please. Enlighten me."

"I will be choosing you. I love you. For so, so so so freaking long. When you fell into that chasm and we never found you. My world was so..I was lost. It crumbled so fast. And yet here you are again. I confess my feelings to you. It's crumbing even more. I don't even know if you love me back and if you don't it's fine I just- agh!" Y/n quickly spoke before stopping herself from crying. She had to look at Byleth to make sure he was listening. Her eyes widened as she saw his stoic expression he was now shocked at her confession and a small blush rose in his ears. She spoke again, Taking a long sigh before speaking.

"I understand if you don't..but if-"

"Y/n. I feel the same way."

Y/n felt her body shiver in response. Her eyes glued to the floor as if it was suddenly more interesting. Soon, her vision changed, in front of her eyes, Byleth's hand gently lifted her to face him.

"Apologies. I didn't know how to respond to I just blurted it out." He said, before pulling his hand back. "I could tell there's a lot going on in your head. Are you sure you want to make the decision now?"

"Of course not. But, I made my choice. Is it ok.. for me to be with you?"

"You don't have to ask.Y/n. You are always welcome."


The rest of the day passed by slow for Y/n. She had said her goodbyes to her mother and resting father. Her soldiers and the person she feared to see again after that conversation. When she approached him, she gave him a long stare before hugging him. 

"Thank you. It hurts but please."

"I know. I'll take care of it here. Go help the Alliance. Talk to your brother."

"Thank you, Ashe. You're the best. Really" 

Soon, they let go of each other's embrace and Y/n turned away. Hopping onto her own winged stallion and taking flight, giving a last wave to the people below before following her comrades back to the monastery. The battle with her brother and Edelgard drawing near.

(Honestly, I feel bad for Ashe. I love him. I'll give him love.)

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