Dear my beloved

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Several years later...

Dear my Beloved,

It's been a while as it not? My brother and I are working hard here in the Empire to fix what has been destroyed. I am not use to the all the responsibilities here but thanks to Ray, things are easier.

Also, I would like to tell you that the doctor gave us some wonderful news!
We are having a baby girl! I know you have been busy so i understand that we can't talk about the name face to face, but.. I wanted to ask you, if you would like to name her after your mother? I think it would be good to do so, even honor your father. I can't wait for it to be a year already, just to be able to be whisked away to you and never leave your side in the upcoming future.

Ah, but I digress. I look forward to visiting you when this is all done. I can't wait to see the academy back to its beautiful state.

I love you Byleth. And miss you dearly. Looking forward to your reply.

Love your beloved,

Y/n L/n Eisner

Y/n carefully folded the letter and sealed it into the envelope. She gently placed the parchment onto her desk as she stood up to stretch. As she did so, she felt a movement shift in her tummy.
She placed her hand to rest on her little bump as she smiled.

"I know you are excited to come out. I am too. I can't wait to see your Papa's face when he sees you little one..oh how I miss him..."

Y/n then walked to her bed, about to get in until she heard a soft knock from the door. She slowly walked in, guiding herself not to bump into anything and opened the door. She almost let out a excited cry as she saw teal eyes stare into hers. She watched as the eyes shifted into a softer gave a small smile form on their face as they made their way into the room.


"I have a week off. I miss you."

"I miss you too... " y/n said as she held his hands into hers. She felt byleth's hand move over to her stomach.

"Hello Sitri.. I can't wait to see you"

"How do you-"

"I guessed. Come on. I wanna hear everything you want to tell me."

"Everything? Are you sure?"

"Anything to hear your lovely voice. I love you. Y/n."

"I love you too, Byleth."

The end

Dear My Beloved Professor (M!Byleth x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now