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All that Byleth remembered in that brief moment was the entire ground was in flames. The Alliance had managed to take hold of the fort until it suddenly burst into flames. Claude was the only one there luckily, managing his wyvern to pull away from the massive flames that rose. Claude barely managed to fight off the archers that were targeting him. Y/n was at the rear of Claude's flying platoon, covering him from danger and switching in between the archers with her blasts of fire and wind.  

The battle was already growing thin as Dimitri was already head-to head with Edelgard just before the fort. Leaving Y/n's older brother, Ray to face off with him. Ray's features were just like Y/n, except with Y/n's kind eyes, he bore a piercing gaze, e/c orbs keeping a watchful gaze as he kept his distance from the professor.

"Hello Professor. I heard so much about you from Lady Edelgard and my little sister." Ray spoke, spear still at the ready. Byleth held his position too, Leonie not far from him just in case.

"You know how important you are to your sister."

"I am aware."

"Then why choose to fight against her? She doesn't want to see you hurt or die."

"I have to. The Empire..they will take her too. She's like Edelgard."

"Take her? They were attacking the border. What you are doing is not protecting her. "

"You don't understand, there's other forces at play. Enough. They said Edelgard only sent a few men to keep an eye on the border and protect her. Not attack her."

"Not what I saw. Imperial soldiers attacked the border. She was injured. If you think that Edelgard is protecting her, you're wrong." Byleth said, lowering his sword for a moment but enough that he could pull it back if Ray were to strike.

"She would break if we were to hurt you. Loose you. She's already in pain because of fighting Edelgard. You have a choice."

Ray remained silent as he just listened to the background noises of the war. Many of the soldiers were already down on the ground. He turned to face Edelgard, only to see that she had stuck down Dimitri. His body lay limp as his relic began to lose to glow. 

"Eddie..." Ray gasped as he stared at the once prince of Faerghus. Edelgard looked up from her work. She gazed at the situation of the battle before giving a nod to Hubert who strode to her side. 

"Ray. Do what you want. I will not force you. But do know if I do see you at the Empire's doorsteps again. I will not hesitate to strike you down. Professor," Edel turned to face Byleth, "I wished for you to stand by my side a long time ago, but I know that can't be something to happen. Take care of Ray and Y/n for me. They are important... important to a more dangerous foe ahead of you." 

The Empire retreated, leaving Ray and Byleth alone at the scene.

"I think it's best.. we help his highness with a proper goodbye..." Ray said before dropping his own spear and walking to the dead corpse of the prince. Byleth sheathed his sword away, turning around once he heard a few flaps from above. Claude landed beside him, hoping off his albino wyvern.

"Dimitri.. Professor. I know we just finished the battle, but we must march on to the capital. We need to defeat Edelgard."

"I know," Byleth replied, his eyes staring at Ray. Y/n landed just a few moments later, running to her brother and crouching beside him. Byleth and Claude just watched as they couldn't hear the voices of the siblings.

"Best we leave them be for a while. I'll talk to the remaining Kingdom army and see what must be done. Trust you can take care of the others Teach?"


Back at the monastery, Byleth was walking by the Gazebo, spotting Y/n and Ray there, talking over some tea. He watched her smile and laugh and the little things Ray did and Ray doing the same. Ray then spotted Byleth, giving him a signal to join.

"Hello Professor. How are you..? "Ray asked, trying to not let the previous battle bother him. Byleth nodded at him before turning to Y/n.

"Did you show him around? And a room?"

"Ah" Y/n said, "Most of the rooms were destroyed so I offered my room.. "

"And where will you stay?"
Y/n cheeks flushed. 

"um.. you..."

Byleth stoic face changes to a soft smile.

"Alright. take care you two. See you later Y/n"

Byleth walked away to continue with his duties. Y/n returned her attention back to her brother, who was giving her a smug look as he crossed his arms.

"About time."

"Oh shush you."

"You never shut up about him sis."

"W-Well umm"

"I also have to thank him for not throwing me in prison.. And thank the rest of the Alliance as well.."

"It would be a good idea. You should see Mother and Father...Father is.."

"I know. I'll go back once the war is over, I will go visit. I don't have the heart to speak to them right now."

"But that means.. facing off Edelgard.. Can we ?"

"You're with the Professor and Claude. Things will end fine."

"If you say so.." 

Y/n and her bother soon parted ways. It was already getting late so Y/n went to grab some dinner before turning into the night. However, she had this feeling that she should go somewhere. Somewhere is important. So she carefully packed her dinner, bowed at the staff in thanks, and headed for the goddess tower. She climbed the goddess tower, carefully sitting on the ledge of a broken window and placing her warm meal on her lap. She picked at her dinner as she looked at the night sky. Her mind began to wander, not hearing soft footsteps climbing up the spiral staircase behind her.

Dear My Beloved Professor (M!Byleth x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now