Just Before The Storm

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It was nearing that time again. The hot summer air filled her lungs. Light had beamed through the little crack of the window curtains lining up with her eyes, blinding her in the process. Y/n would have stretched her arms in her bed but some weight on her torso prevented her so. She turned slightly to gaze at the sleeping figure before her. Her beloved professor's resting face filled her view. It was the only time she had seen him so vulnerable. That stoic face he always carried was replaced with a sleeping one. A relaxed sleeping one. She slowly moved her arm that was trapped between them out then moved her hand to slightly push away the greenish locks that covered his eyes behind his ears. She felt elated. Happy. How much she adored him filled her once still heart to now a mess. She was staring. She wasn't sure long but she froze a bit when she felt that weight on her shift to squeeze her arm.

"How long do you intend on staring?" A horse voice asked from the once sleeping figure beside her. Y/nb placed her hand on his head, twirling a few hair strands in her fingers.

"How long do you intend to pretend to be asleep?" Y/n asked back, leaning on her arm now against the pillow. 

Byleth formed a small smile until he pulled her close to him. His face just rested above her chest and into her neck. 

"If it allows me to cherish this moment and not get up to work, as long as you wish that to be."

Y/n giggled in response, gave a small kiss on his head, and moved his arm away, which rewarded her with a groan from him.

"It's already bright out Byleth. I am sure the others would get the wrong idea for us being late for breakfast or meetings."

Byleth sat up from his bed, giving Y/n a long stare before stretching his own arms and legs out.

"Let them think. There is no point trying to hide it. I am sure Hilda and Claude already spread the news anyway." 

He stood up from the bed and made his way to the dresser, pulling out a comb to brush his hair out. Y/n began to wash her face in the nearby wash basin in the room. Soon she puts on her own armor and shows on. Byleth motioned Y/n to sit on a chair before him, holding the comb in his hand. She obliged, sitting on the chair as she felt his ungloved fingers run through her long H/c hair. He was quite skilled. The hair's knots were soon undone, leaving her in complete bliss when the comb's bristles ran throughout her scalp.

"You are good with hair Byleth," Y/n said, placing a hand on the other's hand that was resting on her shoulder. Byleth hummed in response, turning his hand into hers and intertwining their fingers. 

"I had longer hair when I was a child. So it was a skill I just got better with over time. My hair is still relatively long so I must do what I can to take care of it."

"Your hair is perfect." Y/n said, before quietly mumbling to herself, "You're perfect."

Y/n felt the comb leave her hair and felt a small weight resting on her head. Byleth's chin lightly buried into her head. She slightly turned up to look at him. Her eyes met his. His eyes were softened. His gaze was strong, staring into hers. That smile returned. 

"You're perfect as well. Don't sell yourself short." He said, squeezing that hand was holding hers, "You're kind. Beautiful. Lovely. Courageous. Most of all. You are you. You are my beloved Y/n. There's nothing more I could ask for. Other than perhaps a future with you."

"And you are my beloved professor. Strong. Wise. Handsome. Trustworthy. And you are you." Y/n replied, her hand now cupping his cheek, "I would love to spend the rest of my life with you." 

Byleth pulled away before he knelt down to be at her level. His eyes gazed into hers. He leaned forward, pulling Y/n's arm closer so she would fall into a kiss. She let him. The warmth of his lips spread throughout her. He pulled away moments later and placed his forehead against hers. 

"Then let's make that a promise." 

Y/n nodded into his touch. Feeling her face heat up even more.

Soon the loving silence broke when a loud growl came from her stomach. She pulled away, holding her stomach to stop the noise. Byleth turned around and quickly got dressed before pulling out some papers from his work desk and turning to Y/n.

"Let's go have some breakfast, my dear."

"Hehe.. yes of course."

"As much as I would love to spoil you more, " Byleth said as he gripped the door handle and slowly opened it, "The day awaits us. The battle at Gronder is just before us. Things are going to get dicey. Think you will be ok?"

"No. but, I have you and the others. I think I got this." 

Byleth smiled at her before motioning for her to come. He held her hand as she got up and closed the door behind them with his foot. Then they headed to the dining hall to start their day. 

The battle was coming soon, but Y/n decided to relish the time she had with the Professor a little longer. 

Dear My Beloved Professor (M!Byleth x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now