Little Promise

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Y/n turned to look behind her as the person behind her placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Crouching beside her was Byleth. His teal eyes gingerly gazed at her before he quickly glanced at the dinner she brought. 

"Hello, Y/n. Mind if I join you?" Byleth asked, before revealing a small basket of food. Y/n nodded as she finished eating her small dinner. Byleth sat beside her, a little bit further to not be so close to her as he also pulled out the basket's contents. 

The two sat in silence as they watched the night sky together. Y/n reminisced of her student days in silence, her hand unknowingly reached out for Byleth's hand, which in turn he turned around where his gloved hand rested on the cold ground and held her hand in his. His thumb ran little circles on her knuckles, letting out a contented sigh as he snuck little glances her way. 

"Y/n." Byleth called out, now fully turning his body around to look at her with one leg still dangling out the window. Y/n, now pulled out of her thoughts, turned her head to look at Byleth. She tilted her head in question, wondering why he called out to her. \

"Once the war is over, what would you like to do?" Byleth asked, his other hand now resting on top of her hand that was holding his.  Y/n paused briefly before smiling at him.

"How oddly familiar this feels." She laughs. Her hand now holding his tightly. Byleth returned with a soft smile as he recalled the memory she was referring to.

"But, if I were to give you a response now. It would be to help all of Fodlan. The people need help."

"And after that. What would you like then?" 

Y/n pursed her lips in thought, "To live happily I suppose."

"Hm." Byleth hummed in response, before pulling his hands away from hers. Y/n frowned as the warmth of her lover's hands was gone, now replaced by the cold air of the night and the empty tower. 

"Can you close your eyes?" Byleth asked. Y/n, again confused, closed her eyes without question.

"More fireflies?" Y/n asked, keeping her eyes shut, and felt Byleth gently placing her hands on her lap and a quick peck on her cheeks before pulling away.

"Not quite." He replied. Y/n heard some rustle of armor and cloth as she attentively listened to the noises that bounced off the walls. 

"You don't need to answer right away. But, I felt like, no matter what happens from here on out.. I want to tie the loose ends." Byleth said, finally the rustling ceased.

A little clasp was unhooked. Y/n perked up at the sudden noise before opening her eyes as curiosity got the best of her. Before her, Byleth had his left hand held on to her and on his palm, a small black box rested there. Byleth chuckled at her expression as she stared at the box. His free hand clasped the top before he opened it, revealing a beautiful silver ring right in the center, nestled in a soft velvet plush. Y/n's eyes widened at the sight. Her mouth was slightly ajar from shock. Her eyes shot to look at Byleth, who didn't say a word as he watched her comprehend the information before her. 

Y/n can feel a wave of emotions flying within her. At some point, her vision at some point became blurry as she felt her cheeks become wet.

"A-Are you -" Y/n hiccupped as she struggled to say the words. 

Byleth smiled as he held her hand, "Yes."

Y/n's tears began to flow more as she jumped into his arms. Byleth quickly held onto the box and wrapped his arms around her, feeling her tears soak into his clothes. He turned to look down at her, feeling small vibrations of words on his chest.

"What was that?" He asked, trying to catch her mumbled words between her sobs.

"I want to be with you.." Y/n mumbled, pulling closer to Byleth. Byleth pulled Y/n's hands close to his. He pulled the silver ring out of the box and slipped it onto her ring finger. He then held her hand and pulled it to his lips, giving it a small kiss before pulling it to his chest. 

"After this war, I will make you happy. Make Fodlan a better place and a peaceful one."

"A peaceful Fodlan.." Y/n mumbled.

"Just wait a little longer my love. I promise it will be soon."

"I am looking forward to it"


(planning on ending it like this. I'll do a small chapter of the aftermath and a small peak of the future. But i'll start on my AshexReader one and maybbeeee start on my Sylvain one.)

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